The following are articles published in research journals by faculty members, postdoctoral scholars and students in 2024.
- “Behavioral meaures of psychotic disorders: Using automatic facial coding to detect nonverbal expressions in video,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “The intersection between alexithymia, testosterone reactivity, and coparenting in fathers predicts child's prosocial behavior,” Hormones and Behavior. Jessica Borelli, Douglas A. Granger
- “Life after life: Recidivism among individuals formerly sentenced to mandatory juvenile life without parole,” Journal of Research on Adolescence. Colleen Sbeglia, Monica Peniche, Jordan Beardslee, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Chemical hazard assessment toward safer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries,” Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Using Rapport Building to Improve Information Yield When Interviewing Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Call for Research,” Child Abuse & Neglect (in press), USC Law Legal Studies Paper. Rachel Dianiska, Jodi A. Quas, Thomas D. Lyon
- “Evidence for Environmental Risk Factors and Cumulative Stress Linking Racial/Ethnic Identity and Psychotic-Like Experiences in ABCD Study Data,” The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Emily Petti, Jason Schiffman
- “Designing personalized mental health interventions for anxiety: CBT therapists’ perspective,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Stephen M. Schueller
- “The dark figure of murder and unsolved homicides in the USA,” Journal of Criminal Psychology. Nicholas Scurich
- “A sudden but prolonged collective trauma: The Ukrainian experience,” PLOS Mental Health. Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Central autonomic network dysfunction and plasma Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in older adults,” Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. Arunima Kapoor, Allison C. Engstrom, Fatemah Shenasa, Julian F. Thayer
- “Neuropsychobiology of fear-induced bradycardia in humans: progress and pitfalls,” Molecular Psychiatry. Julian F. Thayer
- “Objective monitoring of loneliness levels using smart devices: A multi-device approach for mental health applications,” PLOS ONE. Jocelyn Lai, Brenda Nguyen, Hana Qureshi, Christopher Marcotullio, Jessica Borelli
- “The Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) self-report version: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and predictive validity in justice-involved male adolescents.” Psychological Assessment. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Racist Agnotology: How Myth-Making about Institutions and Knowledge Production Contributes to Racialized Ignorance,” American Sociological Association. Nicole Iturriaga
- “Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide for Attorneys, 2nd,” UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 2024-15. Charis E. Kubrin
- “Does Criminology Have (or Need) a Universal Constant?” Criminology eJournal. Richard McCleary
- “Using an AI-based avatar for interviewer training at Children’s Advocacy Centers: Proof of Concept,” Child Maltreatment. Rachel Dianiska, Jodi A. Quas
- “Strengthening Recruitment and Retention: Mitigation Strategies in Two Longitudinal Studies of Pregnant Women in Pakistan,” Maternal and Child Health Journal. Ilona S. Yim
- “Associations Between Cortical Thickness and Adverse Life Events in Children and Adolescents With Psychosis-Spectrum Symptoms,” Biological Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “Overcoming Barriers to Improved Decision-Making for Battery Deployment in the Clean Energy Transition,” iScience. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Locally charged: Energy justice outcomes of a low-income community solar project in Michigan,” Energy Research & Social Science. Dominic J. Bednar
- “Comparative life cycle assessment of copper and gold recovery from waste printed circuit boards: pyrometallurgy, chemical leaching and bioleaching,” Journal of Hazardous Materials. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Nanopowders from waste printed circuit boards: Review and evaluation from an alternatives assessment perspective,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Improving Outcomes for Vulnerable Children and Families: Applying what We Learned About the COVID-19 Pandemic and Child Maltreatment,” Child Maltreatment. Jodi A. Quas
- “Facilitators of and barriers to County Behavioral Health System Transformation and Innovation: an interview study,” BMC Health Services Research. Stephen M. Schueller
- “Betrayal trauma and somatic symptoms among patients in a medically underserved primary care clinic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Roxane Cohen Silver, E. Alison Holman
- “Exploring the Interplay Between Stress, Sleep, and Health: A Special Issue Commemorating the Contributions of Dr. Martica Hall,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “Parolee concentration, parolee embeddedness, and the reciprocal relationship with crime rates: A longitudinal study of neighbourhoods and re-entry,” Journal of Criminology. Xiaoshuang Iris Luo, John R. Hipp
- “Just Look at the Map: Bounding Environmental Review of Housing Development in California,” Environmental Law. Nicholas Marantz
- “Developmental changes in endorsement of psychotic-like experiences from middle childhood through young adulthood,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Jason Schiffman
- “The relationship between perceived family support and subclinical positive symptoms of psychosis among Black college students,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “A call for open science in forensics,” Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Nicholas Scurich
- “Racial differences in baroreflex function: Implications for the cardiovascular conundrum,” American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice. DeWayne P. Williams, Cameron R. Wiley, Julia Birenbaum, Grace M. Fishback, Julian F. Thayer
- “Attenuated psychosis symptoms are related to working alliance between therapist and service user,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “Age-dynamic effects of self-regulation and sensation seeking on offending among justice-involved youth,” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. Emily Kan, Jordan Beardslee, Grace Icenogle, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “The association between perceived social functioning and heart rate variability is mediated by subclinical depressive symptomatology and moderated by gender,” Psychophysiology. Julian F. Thayer
- “Genome-wide association study of brain functional and structural networks,” Network Neuroscience. Chuansheng Chen
- “Oscillatory Coupling Between Neural and Cardiac Rhythms,” Association for Psychological Science. Julian F. Thayer
- “Response to Fittipaldi et al. (2024),” Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Pia Dietze
- “(Re-)centering Law in the Criminology of Sentencing & Punishment,” Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society. Mona Lynch
- “Brief report: perseverative cognition and behaviors during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Cogent Psychology. Leeanne Qussiny, Cameron R. Wiley, Logan T. Martin, Sarah D. Pressman
- “Human Trafficking and the Passage of the 2000 TVPA: A Comparative Analysis of Prosecution of Sex Trafficking, Child Pornography, and Sexual Abuse Cases,” Journal of Human Trafficking. Jodi A. Quas
- “Factors impacting intent to seek treatment within youth at clinical high risk for psychosis,” Schizophrenia Research. Miranda A. Bridgwater, Jason Schiffman
- “Reflection on the 10th Anniversary of the Journal Water Economics and Policy(WEP),” Water Economics and Policy. Maura Allaire
- “The Impact of COVID on Early Intervention Parenting Support for Mothers in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder,” Journal of Child and Family Studies. Jessica Borelli
- “State of the Science: Using Digital Mental Health Interventions to Extend the Impact of Psychological Services,” Behavior Therapy. Stephen M. Schueller
- “A latent profile analysis of moral emotions following moral transgressions,” Journal of Clinical Psychology. David P. Cenkner, Alyson K. Zalta
- “When mitigation is not “just mitigation”: Defining (and diffusing) tensions between climate mitigation, adaptation, and justice,” Landscape and Urban Planning. Jessica Garrison, Stephanie Martinez
- “Misinformation – past, present, and future,” Psychology, Crime & Law. Elizabeth F. Loftus, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Let’s Stop Shaming Teens About Social Media Use,” Educational Leadership. Candice L. Odgers
- “Family Systems, Inequality, and Juvenile Justice,” Criminal Justice and Behavior. Nancy Rodriguez, Margaret Goldman
- “Different learning aberrations relate to delusion-like beliefs with different contents,” Brain. Jason Schiffman
- “Implicit Blackstone ratios in decisions made by firearm and toolmark examiners.” Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Nicholas Scurich
- “Capturing the Dynamics of Homelessness Through Ethnography and Mobile Technology: Protocol for the Development and Testing of a Smartphone Technology–Supported Intervention,” JMIR Research Protocols. Naomi F. Sugie
- “Do progressive prosecutors increase crime? A quasi-experimental analysis of crime rates in the 100 largest counties, 2000–2020,” Criminology & Public Policy. Ojmarrh Mitchell
- “Attitudes Toward Police and Judges of Latina Immigrants With a Justice-Involved Child: Do Documentation Status and Family Deportations Matter?” Crime & Delinquency. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Affect Variability and Cortisol in Context: The Moderating Roles of Mean Affect and Stress,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Brooke N. Jenkins, Logan T. Martin, Amanda M. Acevedo, Sarah D. Pressman
- “Exploring variations in local land use regulations in the U.S.: What matters and at what level?” The Annals of Regional Science. Jae Hong Kim
- “Persistent racial diversity in neighbourhoods across the United States: Where does it occur?” Population, Space and Place. John R. Hipp, Jae Hong Kim
- “Blood Pressure Variability, Central Autonomic Network Dysfunction, and Cerebral Small‐Vessel Disease in APOE4 Carriers,” Journal of the American Heart Association. Arunima Kapoor, Allison C. Engstrom, Fatemah Shenasa, Julian F. Thayer
- “Health Service Utilization in Adolescents Following a First Arrest: The Role of Antisocial Behavior, Callous-Unemotional Traits, and Juvenile Justice System Processing,” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Building Rapport in Interviews with Adolescent Trafficking Victims,” Child Abuse Review (In Press, 2024). Rachel Dianiska, Emma Simpson, Sarah Kim, Jodi A. Quas
- “Brain derived neurotrophic factor and treatment outcomes among veterans attending an intensive treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Alyson K. Zalta, Sarah K. Stevens
- “Physiological and emotional assessment of college students using wearable and mobile devices during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown: An intensive, longitudinal dataset,” Data in Brief. Brenda Nguyen, Matthew Lucero, Maryam Sabah Ahmed, Asal Yunusova, Alexander Rivera, Jessica Borelli
- “Integrating wearable sensor data and self-reported diaries for personalized affect forecasting,” Smart Health. Ken S. Yamashita, Jessica L. Borelli
- “Culturally adapting relational savoring: A therapeutic approach to improve relationship quality,” Family Process. Jessica L. Borelli, Lyric N. Russo, Frances H. Li, Ken S. Yamashita, Patricia A. Smiley, Belinda Campos
- “Law’s artefacts: Personal rapid transit and public narratives of hitchhiking and crime,” Social Studies of Science. Simon A. Cole
- “The interactive roles of narrative processing and emotion negativity/lability in relation to autonomic coordination,” Psychophysiology. Deborah Z. Kamliot, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Adults’ Interpretation of Invitations Using the Word “Time”,” Child Abuse Review (in press), USC Law Legal Studies Paper. Alma Olaguez, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Salivary CRP predicts treatment response to virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder,” Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. Elizabeth E. Antici, Kate R. Kuhlman
- “Specialization in Criminal Courts: Decision Making, Recidivism, and Re-victimization in Domestic Violence Courts in Tennessee,” Journal of Human Resources. Emily Owens
- “Situational and Victim Correlates of Increased Case Fatality Rates in Los Angeles Shootings, 2005–2021,” Journal of Urban Health. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete, Clarissa Iliff, George E. Tita
- “Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis,” Schizophrenia Bulletin. Jason Schiffman
- “Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021,” The Lancet. Bryan L. Sykes
- “Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021,” The Lancet. Bryan L. Sykes
- “Heart rate and breathing effects on attention and memory (HeartBEAM): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in older adults,” Trials. Julian F. Thayer
- “A content analysis of social media discourse during Hurricane María: filling a void when traditional media are silent,” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Agency consultation networks in environmental impact assessment,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Jie Wang, Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Trajectories of offending over 9 years after youths' first arrest: What predicts who desists and who continues to offend?” Journal of Research on Adolescence (JRA). Elizabeth Cauffman, Jordan Beardslee, Colleen Sbeglia
- “Too sensitive or not sensitive enough? Sensitivity to context and justice-involved youths' response to violence exposure,” Journal of Research on Adolescence (JRA). Colleen Sbeglia, Curtis Donovyn Smith IV, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Urban-Rural Differences in Early Arithmetic Performance are Accounted for by Phonological Processing,” Journal of Cognition and Development. Chuansheng Chen
- “The promise and pitfalls of early project notification meetings; illuminating Santa Ana's sunshine ordinance,” Cities. Douglas Houston, Maria Ceja
- “High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability is Prospectively Associated with Sleep Complaints in a Healthy Working Cohort,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “High heart rate variability buffers the effect of attachment insecurity on sleep quality,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “The great rewiring: is social media really behind an epidemic of teenage mental illness?” Nature. Candice L. Odgers
- “System circumvention: Dishonest-illegal transgressions are perceived as justified in non-meritocratic societies,” British Journal of Social Psychology. Paul K. Piff, Jake P. Moskowitz
- “Situational and Victim Correlates of Increased Case Fatality Rates in Los Angeles Shootings, 2005–2021,” Journal of Urban Health. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete, Clarissa Iliff, George E. Tita
- “The impact of pricing structure change on residential water consumption: A long-term analysis of water utilities in California,” Water Resources and Economics. Maura Allaire
- “Preserving What Matters: Longitudinal Changes in Control Over Interpersonal Stress and Non-Interpersonal Stress in Daily Life,” The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. Susan Turk Charles
- “Psychosocial predictors of the innate immune response to influenza vaccination,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Intergenerational Effects of the Fast Track Intervention on Next-Generation Child Outcomes: A Preregistered Randomized Clinical Trial,” The American Journal of Psychiatry. Candice L. Odgers
- “Too little, too much, and “just right”: Exploring the “goldilocks zone” of daily stress reactivity.” Emotion. Susan Turk Charles
- “Childhood Maltreatment and Immune Cell Gene Regulation during Adolescence: Transcriptomics Highlight Non-Classical Monocytes,” Biomolecules. Kate Kuhlman, Uma Rao
- “Psychosis superspectrum II: neurobiology, treatment, and implications,” Molecular Psychiatry. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Resting heart rate variability is associated with neural adaptation when repeatedly exposed to emotional stimuli,” Neuropsychologia. Julian F. Thayer
- “Attachment-Based Mentalization Profiles of Iranian Children: A Mixed-Method Approach,” Children. Jessica Borelli
- “A Greater Variety of Social Activities is Associated with Lower Mortality Risk,” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. Sangha Jeon, Susan Turk Charles
- “White Matter Plasticity Underpins Cognitive Gains after Multidomain Adaptive Computerized Cognitive Training,” The Journals of Gerontology Series A. Chuansheng Chen
- “Feminist retroviruses to white Sharia: Gender ‘science fan fiction’ on 4Chan,” Public Understanding of Science. Nicole Iturriaga
- “Executive functioning mediates the association between inflammation and 12-month depression-onset during adolescence,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Understanding the Causal Relationship Between Inflammation and Cognition: Data From Randomized Controlled Trials, Mendelian Randomization, and Observational Studies,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Family cash transfers in childhood and birthing persons and birth outcomes later in life,” SSM - Population Health. Candice L. Odgers
- “Ethnoracial Risk Variation Across the Psychosis Continuum in the USA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” JAMA Psychiatry. Miranda A. Bridgwater, Mallory J. Klaunig, Jason Schiffman
- “Effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial of Spanish language, digital cognitive-behavioral therapy (dCBT) intervention for depression and anxiety – protocol for the SUPERA (SUpport from PEeRs to expand Access) study,” Contemporary Clinical Trials. Rosa Hernandez-Ramos, Giovanni Ramos, Stephen M. Schueller
- “On Coping in a Non-Binary World: Rejoinder to Biedermann and Kotsoglou,” Statistics and Public Policy. Nicholas Scurich
- “Contrasting Objective and Perceived Risk: Predicting COVID-19 Health Behaviors in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample,” Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Rebecca R Thompson, Nickolas M Jones, E Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver
- “The socioeconomic consequences of loneliness: Evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study of young adults,” Social Science & Medicine. Candice L. Odgers
- “Insomnia and behaviorally induced sleep syndrome in undergraduates tested during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with health, stress, and GPA,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Angela F. Lukowski, Deborah Z. Kamliot, Caleb A. Schlaupitz
- “Control strategies for managing health threats in older adults,” Current Opinion. Jutta Heckhausen
- “Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate change,” The Journal of Climate Change and Health. Richard A. Matthew
- “On Coping in a Non-Binary World: Rejoinder to Biedermann and Kotsoglou,” Statistics and Public Policy. Nicholas Scurich
- “Improved estimation of general cognitive ability and its neural correlates with a large battery of cognitive tasks,” Cerebral Cortex. Chuansheng Chen
- “Error-related cardiac deceleration: Functional interplay between error-related brain activity and autonomic nervous system in performance monitoring,” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Julian F. Thayer
- “Multi-ethnic variation in the ties that bind rumination and heart rate variability: Implications for health disparities,” Stress & Health. Vida Pourmand, Adebisi A. Akinyemi, Darcianne K. Watanabe, Beatriz Lopez Galeana, Cameron R. Wiley, Julian F. Thayer, DeWayne P. Williams
- “Genetic differences associated with dopamine and serotonin release mediate fear-induced bradycardia in the human brain,” Translational Psychiatry. Julian F. Thayer
- “Principles and procedures for revising the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology.” Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Compensatory prosocial behavior in high-risk adolescents observing social exclusion: The effects of emotion feedback,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Jodi A. Quas
- “Multi-Media Field Test: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at Our Fingertips: Sanvello Provides On-Demand Support for Mental Health,” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. Justine Bautista, Michelle Liu, Stephen M. Schueller
- “Clash of the Titans: Escalating Conflict Between Surrogacy Contract Provisions and the Recriminalization of Abortion,” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Hilary L. Berk
- “Undoing mothers’ avoidant coping with children’s negative emotion: A randomized controlled trial of relational savoring.” Journal of Family Psychology. Jessica Borelli
- “Variability in the Integration of Peers in a Multi-site Digital Mental Health Innovation Project,” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Stephen M. Schueller
- “Negative emotions enhance memory-guided attention in a visual search task by increasing frontoparietal, insular, and parahippocampal cortical activity,” Cortex. Dewayne P. Williams, Julian F. Thayer
- “Parental Legal Culpability in Youth Offending,” Annual Review of Criminology. Colleen Sbeglia, Imani Randolph, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Repressed Memories (of Sexual Abuse Against Minors) and Statutes of Limitations in Europe: Status Quo and Possible Alternatives,” Topics in Cognitive Science. Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Climate Change, Migration, and Health Disparities at and Beyond the US-Mexico Border.” JAMA. Michael Méndez, Angelu C. Lesaca
- “The Structure and Operation of the Transgender Criminal Legal System Nexus in the United States: Inequalities, Administrative Violence, and Injustice at Every Turn,” Annual Review of Criminology. Valerie Jenness, Alexis Rowland
- “Automating the analysis of facial emotion expression dynamics: A computational framework and application in psychotic disorders,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Social Ecological Systems in Flux,” Annual Review of Sociology. Daniel Stokols
- “Adding Insult to Injury: Everyday Discrimination Moderates Stressor-Related Negative Affect,” Behavioral Medicine. Amandeep Kaur, Susan T. Charles, Kristine M. Molina
- “Dianne L. Chambless (1948–2023).” American Psychologist. Alyson K. Zalta
- “Web-based personalized normative feedback to decrease stigma and increase intentions to seek help.” Stigma and Health. Jason Schiffman
Book Chapters
- “46: Public Acceptability of Water Supply Innovations,” Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management. David L. Feldman
- “The role of selection and motivation in emotion regulation in later life.” Handbook of emotion regulation. Susan Turk Charles
- “Heart rate variability in mental health and psychotherapy,” Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychophysiology: Theory, Assessment, and Practice. Julian F. Thayer