December 31, 2024

The following are articles published in research journals by faculty members, postdoctoral scholars and students in 2024.
- “Internet-Based Social Activities and Cognitive Functioning 2 Years Later Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Prospective Cohort Study,” JMIR aging. Sangha Jeon, Susan Turk Charles
- “Changes in daily stress reactivity and changes in physical health across 18 years of adulthood,” Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Susan T. Charles
- “Relationship between change in face-to-face social activity and loneliness during COVID pandemic in US adults,” Innovation in Aging. Sangha Jeon, Susan Charles
- “High arousal affect related to worse working memory but more for younger adults,” Innovation in Aging. Susan Charles
- “Momentary unconstructive repetitive thinking, working memory, and age,” Innovation in Aging. Susan Charles
- “Dynamics of daily loneliness and diurnal cortisol,” Innovation in Aging. Susan Charles
- “The Role of Acculturative Stress and Self-Construal in Maladaptive Eating Behaviors among Female Young Adults in Diverse College Settings,” Appetite. Peiyi Wang, Chuansheng Chen, Ilona S Yim
- “It’s not racist, it’s just fact,” Metascience. Simon A. Cole
- “Naïve Observers’ Perceptions of Hospitalized and Community Adolescents’ Depressive Symptoms,” Behavior Therapy. Abby Rozenberg, Morgan McLoughlin, Jane Shkel, Jessica L. Borelli
- “Crowdsourcing integrated into a digital mental health platform for anxiety and depression: A pilot randomized controlled trial,” Internet Interventions. Benjamin Kaveladze, Jane Shkel, Stacey Le, Veronique Marcotte, Stephen M. Schueller
- “Sex differences in heart rate and heart rate variability responses to transcutaneous auricular vagal nerve stimulation in rats,” Autonomic Neuroscience. Julian F. Thayer
- “Multi-Media Field Test: Sleep Better with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: CBT-i Coach Provides Support for Insomnia,” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. Michelle Liu, Ashley Jane T Pagador, Jenna Mizyed, Emily C Martinez, Stephen M Schueller
- “Extradition and Whole Life Sentences,” Criminal Law Forum. Christopher Seeds
- “A 4-week morning light treatment reduces amygdala reactivity and clinical symptoms in adults with traumatic stress,” Psychiatry Research. Alyson K. Zalta
- “Participation in diverse social activities predicts fewer depressive symptoms,” Aging & Mental Health. Sangha Jeon, Susan Turk Charles
- “Appealing for Local Control and Spatial Inequality: Reforming Governance and Development Rationalities in Southern California,” Journal of Planning Education and Research. Alejandra Reyes
- “Violence in Post-Pandemic America: Hard Truths and Enduring Lessons,” Creating Justice in a multi-racial democracy: the Kerner Commission. Elliott Currie
- “Exploring Gender Disparities in Prosecutorial and Judicial Decision-Making in the Global South: Evidence from Argentina,” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete
- “Overview of the International Guiding Statement on ALTERNATIVES TO SOLITARY CONFINEMENT,” Criminal Justice. Keramet Reiter
- “Epistemic maneuvers as mechanisms of environmental racism: how pesticide exposure is sustained against Mexican farmworkers,” Environmental Sociology. Kaitlyn Alvarez Noli, María G. Rendón
- “Prison Family Engagement Policies: A Multistate Systematic Review and Content Analysis,” The Prison Journal. Laceé N. Pappas, Nancy Rodriguez, H. Daniel Butler
- “Assessing similarities and differences in thematic content across online mental health communities dedicated to trauma-related mental health conditions,” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Katherine E. Wislocki, Ghazal Naderi, Stephen M. Schueller, Alyson K. Zalta
- “Adolescents’ Digital Technology Use, Emotional Dysregulation, and Self-Esteem: No Evidence of Same-Day Linkages,” Affective Science. Madison E. Taylor, Stephen M. Schueller, Candice L. Odgers
- “How signature complexity affects expert and lay ability to distinguish genuine, disguised and simulated signatures,” Journal of Forensic Sciences. Nicholas Scurich, Hal Stern, William C. Thompson
- “Juror perceptions of incentivized informant testimony,” Psychology, Crime & Law, Emily Shaw, Mona Lynch, Nicholas Scurich
- “Consuming hurricane-related media: The protective role of perceived trust.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Kayley D Estes, E. Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Can race be replaced? Ecology and race categorization,” Evolution and Human Behavior. Oliver Sng, Krystina A Boyd-Frenkel
- “The ecology of relatedness: How living around family (or not) matters.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Oliver Sng, Minyoung Choi
- “Sex Differences in Neural Correlates of Emotion Regulation in Relation to Resting Heart Rate Variability,” Brain Topography. Julian F. Thayer
- “Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “Changes in Negative Emotions Across Five Weeks of HRV Biofeedback Intervention were Mediated by Changes in Resting Heart Rate Variability,” Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Julian F. Thayer
- “Is Greener Better? Quantifying the Impact of a Nature Walk on Stress Reduction Using HRV and Saliva Cortisol Biomarkers,” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Julian F. Thayer
- “Evaluation of low vagally-mediated heart rate variability as an early marker of depression risk,” Journal of Affective Disorders. Darcianne K. Watanabe, DeWayne P. Williams, Julian F. Thayer
- “Navigating justice: Examining the intersection of procedural and distributive justice in environmental impact assessment in Puerto Rico,” Environmental Impact Assessment Review. Nicola Ulibarri
- “Fear, stigma, hope, and desahogó: understanding the role of deportation history and familial ties on the disclosure process of immigration-related experiences,” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Carolina Valdivia, Angie B. Monreal
- “Understanding adaptive responses to adversity: Introduction to the special issue on rethinking resilience and posttraumatic growth.” American Psychologist. Alyson K. Zalta
- “Predictors of Trauma-Related Diagnostic Overshadowing Bias,” Behaviour Research and Therapy. Katherine E. Wislocki, Alyson K. Zalta
- “Tell the truth? Identifying common sources and types of advice juvenile defendants receive when pleading guilty to their first offense.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Melanie B Fessinger, Imani Randolph, Paul Frick, Laurence Steinberg, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Impulse control moderates the association between substance use and substance use-related consequences among justice-system-involved youth,” Applied Developmental Science. Jordan Beardslee, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Doing diversity work in higher education: Systemic inequality, institutional change, and campus attitudes,” Equity in Education & Society. Susan Bibler Coutin, Frances Leslie
- “The perceived psychological benefits of third places for university students before and after COVID-19 lockdowns,” Cities. Douglas Houston
- “Examining Interpersonal Traumas Across Low Income Latinx Mother-Youth Dyads: Associations Between Maternal Child Abuse Exposure and Racial Discrimination with Mother and Youth Psychopathology,” Child Psychiatry & Human Development. Lyric N Russo, Jose Arreola, Nancy Guerra, Jessica L Borelli
- “The Effect of COVID-19 Public Health Measures on Mental Health in California.” Issues in mental health nursing. Milad Asgari Mehrabadi, Jessica L. Borelli, Amir M Rahmani
- “Immigrant-Ethnic Activity Space (IEAS), Ex-Prisoner Concentration, and Recidivism,” Crime & Delinquency. John R. Hipp
- “Forced Disappearances, Indigenous Peoples and Socio-Environmental Conflict in Mexico,” Victims & Offenders. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete
- “The interdependence of caring, safety, and health in correctional settings: Analysis of a survey of security staff in a large county jail system,” Social Science & Medicine. Keramet Reiter
- “Evaluation of a pilot implementation of a digital cognitive behavioral therapy platform for isolated older adults in county mental health services,” Implementation Research and Practice. Rosa Hernandez-Ramos, Stephen M. Schueller, Judith Borghouts, Kristina Palomares, Margaret Schneider, Dana B Mukamel, Dara H Sorkin
- “Loneliness, online learning and student outcomes in college students living with disabilities: results from the National College Health Assessment Spring 2022,” Frontiers in Psychology. Sarah E Stoeckl, Stephen M. Schueller, Biblia S Cha, Cindy Chwa, Nakia C Best, Dara H Sorkin
- “Predictors of Substantiation in Child Sexual Abuse Investigations in the United States,” Journal of Family Violence. Nicholas Scurich
- “Ecology stereotypes exist across societies and override race and family structure stereotypes,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Oliver Sng
- “The directed nature of social stereotypes.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Oliver Sng, Minyoung Choi
- “Operationalizing the social capital of collaborative environmental governance with network metrics,” Environmental Research Letters. Nicole Ulibarri
- “The influence of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on the relationship between emotion regulation and mood-related pathology in survivors of childhood interpersonal trauma,” Journal of Affective Disorders. Sarah K Stevens, Alyson K. Zalta
- “Exploring the relationship between childhood revictimization and mood-related pathology: The potential moderation by resilience biomarkers npy and DHEA,” APHA 2024 Annual Meeting and Expo. Hannah Cukor, Alyson Zalta, Sarah Stevens
- “Racial biases, facial trustworthiness, and resting heart rate variability: unravelling complexities in pain recognition,” Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. Julian F. Thayer
- “Executive functions in older adults with generalised anxiety disorder and healthy controls: Associations with heart rate variability, brain-derived neurotrophic factor, and physical fitness,” Applied Neuropsychology: Adult. Julian F. Thayer
- “Más que palabras: Understanding the mental health and behavioral consequences of sociodemographic risk and deportation fears in Latinx families,” Psychological trauma: Theory, research, practice, and policy. Jose Arreola, Lyric N. Russo, Breana R. Cervantes, Hugo Sanchez Hernandez, Christina M. Marquez, Gloria Montiel, Nancy Guerra, Jessica L. Borelli
- “State-level regulation of disinfection byproducts in the United States,” Water Policy. Jie Wang, Max G McNally, Nicola Ulibarri, Changdeok Gim, Valerie A Olson, David L. Feldman
- “An expert discussion on the atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome nomenclature—identifying a road map to precision: a report of a National Kidney Foundation Working Group,” Kidney international. David L .Feldman
- “Analysing non-linearities and threshold effects between street-level built environments and local crime patterns: An interpretable machine learning approach,” Urban Studies. John R. Hipp, Jae Hong Kim
- “Intergenerational effects of a casino-funded family transfer program on educational outcomes in an American Indian community,” Nature Communications. Tim A Bruckner, Brenda Bustos, Candice L. Odgers
- “Electronic Surveillance in Immigration Court: Evidence from the CalGang Database,” Critical Crimonology. Ana Muñiz, Emily Owens
- “Improving the value of school professionals as partners in efforts to enhance recognition of and responses to youth sex trafficking,” Psychology in the Schools. Kaitlin MH Winks, Corey J Rood, Jodi A. Quas
- “A randomized controlled trial comparing brief online self-guided interventions for loneliness,” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Dong-Anh C. Ngo, Paul Delacruz, Stephen M. Schueller
- “Progress and gaps in climate change adaptation in coastal cities across the globe,” Nature Cities. Nicola Ulibarri
- “Adminigration: City-level governance of immigrant community members,” Law & Social Inquiry. Susan Bibler Coutin, Walter J Nicholls
- “Proactive and reactive aggression: Developmental trajectories and longitudinal associations with callous–unemotional traits, impulsivity, and internalizing emotions,” Development and psychopathology. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Spatial Optimism and Cross-Over Effects in the Perceptions of Interconnected Wildfire, Flood, and Mudslide Hazards,” Environment and Behavior. Douglas Houston, Jochen E. Schubert, Brett F. Sanders
- “Reducing Energy Burden in the Power Sector: Metrics for Assessing Energy Poverty,” IEEE Power and Energy Magazine. Dominic J. Bednar
- “College women’s perceptions of judgements on aggression and risk of intimate partner violence perpetration in potential romantic partners,” Journal of Family Violence. Lyric N. Russo, Jessica L. Borelli
- “The intersection between alexithymia, testosterone reactivity, and coparenting in father's predicts child's prosocial behavior,” Hormones and Behavior. Jessica L Borelli, Douglas A. Granger
- “Building trust in mental health chatbots: safety metrics and LLM-based evaluation tools,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.04650. Jung In Park, Mahyar Abbasian, Iman Azimi, Dawn Bounds, Angela Jun, Jaesu Han, Robert McCarron, Jessica Borelli, Jia Li, Amir Rahmani
- “Predicting fidelity and treatment outcomes in savoring interventions among mothers of young children,” Infant Mental Health Journal. Jessica L. Borelli
- “The panacea that is love: The influence of romantic relationships on justice-involved young adults’ self-reported health,” Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice. Curtis D. Smith IV, Nicholas S. Riano, Imani S. Randolph, Jordan Beardslee, Elizabeth E. Cauffman
- “Dissolving Districts: Did Property Values Fall When California Terminated Its Redevelopment Agencies,” Economic Development Quarterly. Nicholas Marantz, Jae Hong Kim, John R. Hipp
- “Autobiographical memory phenomenology in transgender and cisgender individuals,” Memory. Caleb Schlaupitz, Angela F. Lukowski
- “Understanding the effects of socioeconomic factors on housing price appreciation using explainable AI,” Applied Geography. Shengxiang Jin, Huixin Zheng, Nicholas Marantz, Avipsa Roy
- “When mitigation is not “just mitigation”: Defining (and diffusing) tensions between climate mitigation, adaptation, and justice,” Landscape and Urban Planning. Jessica Debats Garrison, Stephanie Martinez
- “California dreaming: Why environmental justice is integral to the success of climate change policy,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Michael Méndez
- “The contradictory field of community organizing in the United States: A theoretical framework,” Planning Theory. Walter Julio Nicholls
- “Direct and indirect pathways linking gentrification to adolescent reading and math achievement via educational aspirations and psychological distress,” Developmental Psychology. Candice L. Odgers
- “Affect variability and cortisol in context: The moderating roles of mean affect and stress,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Brooke N. Jenkins, Logan T. Martin, Amanda M. Acevedo, Sarah D. Pressman
- “Urgent issues and prospects on investigative interviews with children and adolescents,” Legal and Criminological Psychology. Rachel Dianiska, Van P. Nguyen Greco, Jodi Quas, Corey J. Rood
- “Leveraging Feedback From Families of Children With Autism to Create Digital Support for Service Navigation: Descriptive Study,” JMIR Formative Research. Stephen M. Schueller
- “Individual and organizational outcomes of engaging peers in the cocreation of digital mental health interventions,” Psychological Services. Margaret L. Schneider, Biblia S. Cha, Judith Borghouts, Stephen M. Schueller, Kai Zheng, Dana B Mukamel
- “The Impact of Defense Experts on Juror Perceptions of Firearms Examination Testimony,” Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2024-60. Nicholas Scurich
- “Internalized weight bias and eating disorder risk: The moderating role of self-construal among culturally diverse female young adults.” Stigma and Health. Peiyi Wang, Chuansheng Chen, Ilona S. Yim
- “Associations of luteal phase changes in vagally mediated heart rate variability with premenstrual emotional changes,” BMC Women's Health. Julian F. Thayer
- “Perceptions of HIV-Related Comorbidities and Usability of a Virtual Environment for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Education in Sexual Minority Men With HIV: Formative Phases of a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial,” Journal of Medical Internet Research. Julian F. Thayer
- “Investigating the role of adversity and benevolence beliefs in predicting prosociality,” Journal of Personality. Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Locally charged: Energy justice outcomes of a low-income community solar project in Michigan,” Energy Research & Social Science. Dominic J. Bednar
- “The moderating role of maternal CU traits in the stability of justice-involved adolescents’ CU traits,” Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “The association between household and family composition and mental health of the elderly: mediating role of lifestyle,” BMC public health. Chuansheng Chen
- “Immigration and Crime: Is the Relationship Nonlinear,” The British Journal of Criminology. Charis E. Kubrin, John R. Hipp
- “The interactive roles of narrative processing and emotion negativity/lability in relation to autonomic coordination,” Psychophysiology. Deborah Z. Kamliot, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Overseeing Infill: How State Agencies Can More Effectively Monitor Local Land Use Administration,” Journal of the American Planning Association. Nicholas J Marantz, Youjin B. Kim
- “Air quality monitoring and the safety of farmworkers in wildfire mandatory evacuation zones,” GeoHealth. Carlo A. Chunga Pizarro, Michael Méndez
- “Understanding the effects of socioeconomic factors on housing price appreciation using explainable AI,” Applied Geography. Shenxiang Jin, Huixin Zheng, Nicholas Marantz, Avipsa Roy
- “It matters what you see: Graphic media images of war and terror may amplify distress,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. E. Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Finding Benefits During Collective Stress: A Study of Health Behaviors in a Longitudinal Representative U.S. Sample During the COVID-19 Era,” Health Psychology. Nickolas M Jones, E Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Sentenced to shame: Moral injury exposure in former lifers.” Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy. Joanne B. DeCaro, Nadia Malek, Alyson K. Zalta
- “Contesting housing commodification and financialization through bridging: Experiences from Mexico and Brazil,” Politics and Space. Alejandra Reyes
- “Behavioral meaures of psychotic disorders: Using automatic facial coding to detect nonverbal expressions in video,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “The intersection between alexithymia, testosterone reactivity, and coparenting in fathers predicts child's prosocial behavior,” Hormones and Behavior. Jessica Borelli, Douglas A. Granger
- “Life after life: Recidivism among individuals formerly sentenced to mandatory juvenile life without parole,” Journal of Research on Adolescence. Colleen Sbeglia, Monica Peniche, Jordan Beardslee, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Chemical hazard assessment toward safer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries,” Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Using Rapport Building to Improve Information Yield When Interviewing Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Call for Research,” Child Abuse & Neglect (in press), USC Law Legal Studies Paper. Rachel Dianiska, Jodi A. Quas, Thomas D. Lyon
- “Evidence for Environmental Risk Factors and Cumulative Stress Linking Racial/Ethnic Identity and Psychotic-Like Experiences in ABCD Study Data,” The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Emily Petti, Jason Schiffman
- “Designing personalized mental health interventions for anxiety: CBT therapists’ perspective,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Stephen M. Schueller
- “The dark figure of murder and unsolved homicides in the USA,” Journal of Criminal Psychology. Nicholas Scurich
- “A sudden but prolonged collective trauma: The Ukrainian experience,” PLOS Mental Health. Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Central autonomic network dysfunction and plasma Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in older adults,” Alzheimer's Research & Therapy. Arunima Kapoor, Allison C. Engstrom, Fatemah Shenasa, Julian F. Thayer
- “Neuropsychobiology of fear-induced bradycardia in humans: progress and pitfalls,” Molecular Psychiatry. Julian F. Thayer
- “Objective monitoring of loneliness levels using smart devices: A multi-device approach for mental health applications,” PLOS ONE. Jocelyn Lai, Brenda Nguyen, Hana Qureshi, Christopher Marcotullio, Jessica Borelli
- “The Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits (ICU) self-report version: Factor structure, measurement invariance, and predictive validity in justice-involved male adolescents.” Psychological Assessment. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Racist Agnotology: How Myth-Making about Institutions and Knowledge Production Contributes to Racialized Ignorance,” American Sociological Association. Nicole Iturriaga
- “Rap on Trial: A Legal Guide for Attorneys, 2nd,” UC Irvine School of Law Research Paper No. 2024-15. Charis E. Kubrin
- “Does Criminology Have (or Need) a Universal Constant?” Criminology eJournal. Richard McCleary
- “Using an AI-based avatar for interviewer training at Children’s Advocacy Centers: Proof of Concept,” Child Maltreatment. Rachel Dianiska, Jodi A. Quas
- “Strengthening Recruitment and Retention: Mitigation Strategies in Two Longitudinal Studies of Pregnant Women in Pakistan,” Maternal and Child Health Journal. Ilona S. Yim
- “A mixed-methods study of moral distress among frontline nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Danisha K. Jenkins, Garrett K. Chan, Kelly L. Zellner, Alyson K. Zalta
- “Associations Between Cortical Thickness and Adverse Life Events in Children and Adolescents With Psychosis-Spectrum Symptoms,” Biological Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “Overcoming Barriers to Improved Decision-Making for Battery Deployment in the Clean Energy Transition,” iScience. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Locally charged: Energy justice outcomes of a low-income community solar project in Michigan,” Energy Research & Social Science. Dominic J. Bednar
- “Comparative life cycle assessment of copper and gold recovery from waste printed circuit boards: pyrometallurgy, chemical leaching and bioleaching,” Journal of Hazardous Materials. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Nanopowders from waste printed circuit boards: Review and evaluation from an alternatives assessment perspective,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Improving Outcomes for Vulnerable Children and Families: Applying what We Learned About the COVID-19 Pandemic and Child Maltreatment,” Child Maltreatment. Jodi A. Quas
- “Facilitators of and barriers to County Behavioral Health System Transformation and Innovation: an interview study,” BMC Health Services Research. Stephen M. Schueller
- “Betrayal trauma and somatic symptoms among patients in a medically underserved primary care clinic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Roxane Cohen Silver, E. Alison Holman
- “Exploring the Interplay Between Stress, Sleep, and Health: A Special Issue Commemorating the Contributions of Dr. Martica Hall,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “Parolee concentration, parolee embeddedness, and the reciprocal relationship with crime rates: A longitudinal study of neighbourhoods and re-entry,” Journal of Criminology. Xiaoshuang Iris Luo, John R. Hipp
- “Just Look at the Map: Bounding Environmental Review of Housing Development in California,” Environmental Law. Nicholas Marantz
- “Developmental changes in endorsement of psychotic-like experiences from middle childhood through young adulthood,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Jason Schiffman
- “The relationship between perceived family support and subclinical positive symptoms of psychosis among Black college students,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “A call for open science in forensics,” Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Nicholas Scurich
- “Racial differences in baroreflex function: Implications for the cardiovascular conundrum,” American Heart Journal Plus: Cardiology Research and Practice. DeWayne P. Williams, Cameron R. Wiley, Julia Birenbaum, Grace M. Fishback, Julian F. Thayer
- “Attenuated psychosis symptoms are related to working alliance between therapist and service user,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Jason Schiffman
- “Age-dynamic effects of self-regulation and sensation seeking on offending among justice-involved youth,” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. Emily Kan, Jordan Beardslee, Grace Icenogle, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “The association between perceived social functioning and heart rate variability is mediated by subclinical depressive symptomatology and moderated by gender,” Psychophysiology. Julian F. Thayer
- “Genome-wide association study of brain functional and structural networks,” Network Neuroscience. Chuansheng Chen
- “Oscillatory Coupling Between Neural and Cardiac Rhythms,” Association for Psychological Science. Julian F. Thayer
- “Response to Fittipaldi et al. (2024),” Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Pia Dietze
- “(Re-)centering Law in the Criminology of Sentencing & Punishment,” Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society. Mona Lynch
- “Brief report: perseverative cognition and behaviors during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Cogent Psychology. Leeanne Qussiny, Cameron R. Wiley, Logan T. Martin, Sarah D. Pressman
- “Human Trafficking and the Passage of the 2000 TVPA: A Comparative Analysis of Prosecution of Sex Trafficking, Child Pornography, and Sexual Abuse Cases,” Journal of Human Trafficking. Jodi A. Quas
- “Factors impacting intent to seek treatment within youth at clinical high risk for psychosis,” Schizophrenia Research. Miranda A. Bridgwater, Jason Schiffman
- “Reflection on the 10th Anniversary of the Journal Water Economics and Policy(WEP),” Water Economics and Policy. Maura Allaire
- “The Impact of COVID on Early Intervention Parenting Support for Mothers in Recovery from Substance Use Disorder,” Journal of Child and Family Studies. Jessica Borelli
- “State of the Science: Using Digital Mental Health Interventions to Extend the Impact of Psychological Services,” Behavior Therapy. Stephen M. Schueller
- “A latent profile analysis of moral emotions following moral transgressions,” Journal of Clinical Psychology. David P. Cenkner, Alyson K. Zalta
- “When mitigation is not “just mitigation”: Defining (and diffusing) tensions between climate mitigation, adaptation, and justice,” Landscape and Urban Planning. Jessica Garrison, Stephanie Martinez
- “Misinformation – past, present, and future,” Psychology, Crime & Law. Elizabeth F. Loftus, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Let’s Stop Shaming Teens About Social Media Use,” Educational Leadership. Candice L. Odgers
- “Family Systems, Inequality, and Juvenile Justice,” Criminal Justice and Behavior. Nancy Rodriguez, Margaret Goldman
- “Different learning aberrations relate to delusion-like beliefs with different contents,” Brain. Jason Schiffman
- “Implicit Blackstone ratios in decisions made by firearm and toolmark examiners.” Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. Nicholas Scurich
- “Capturing the Dynamics of Homelessness Through Ethnography and Mobile Technology: Protocol for the Development and Testing of a Smartphone Technology–Supported Intervention,” JMIR Research Protocols. Naomi F. Sugie
- “Do progressive prosecutors increase crime? A quasi-experimental analysis of crime rates in the 100 largest counties, 2000–2020,” Criminology & Public Policy. Ojmarrh Mitchell
- “Attitudes Toward Police and Judges of Latina Immigrants With a Justice-Involved Child: Do Documentation Status and Family Deportations Matter?” Crime & Delinquency. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Affect Variability and Cortisol in Context: The Moderating Roles of Mean Affect and Stress,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Brooke N. Jenkins, Logan T. Martin, Amanda M. Acevedo, Sarah D. Pressman
- “Exploring variations in local land use regulations in the U.S.: What matters and at what level?” The Annals of Regional Science. Jae Hong Kim
- “Persistent racial diversity in neighbourhoods across the United States: Where does it occur?” Population, Space and Place. John R. Hipp, Jae Hong Kim
- “Blood Pressure Variability, Central Autonomic Network Dysfunction, and Cerebral Small‐Vessel Disease in APOE4 Carriers,” Journal of the American Heart Association. Arunima Kapoor, Allison C. Engstrom, Fatemah Shenasa, Julian F. Thayer
- “Health Service Utilization in Adolescents Following a First Arrest: The Role of Antisocial Behavior, Callous-Unemotional Traits, and Juvenile Justice System Processing,” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Building Rapport in Interviews with Adolescent Trafficking Victims,” Child Abuse Review (In Press, 2024). Rachel Dianiska, Emma Simpson, Sarah Kim, Jodi A. Quas
- “Brain derived neurotrophic factor and treatment outcomes among veterans attending an intensive treatment program for posttraumatic stress disorder,” Journal of Psychiatric Research. Alyson K. Zalta, Sarah K. Stevens
- “Physiological and emotional assessment of college students using wearable and mobile devices during the 2020 COVID-19 lockdown: An intensive, longitudinal dataset,” Data in Brief. Brenda Nguyen, Matthew Lucero, Maryam Sabah Ahmed, Asal Yunusova, Alexander Rivera, Jessica Borelli
- “Integrating wearable sensor data and self-reported diaries for personalized affect forecasting,” Smart Health. Ken S. Yamashita, Jessica L. Borelli
- “Culturally adapting relational savoring: A therapeutic approach to improve relationship quality,” Family Process. Jessica L. Borelli, Lyric N. Russo, Frances H. Li, Ken S. Yamashita, Patricia A. Smiley, Belinda Campos
- “Law’s artefacts: Personal rapid transit and public narratives of hitchhiking and crime,” Social Studies of Science. Simon A. Cole
- “The interactive roles of narrative processing and emotion negativity/lability in relation to autonomic coordination,” Psychophysiology. Deborah Z. Kamliot, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Adults’ Interpretation of Invitations Using the Word “Time”,” Child Abuse Review (in press), USC Law Legal Studies Paper. Alma Olaguez, J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Salivary CRP predicts treatment response to virtual reality exposure therapy for social anxiety disorder,” Brain, Behavior, & Immunity. Elizabeth E. Antici, Kate R. Kuhlman
- “Specialization in Criminal Courts: Decision Making, Recidivism, and Re-victimization in Domestic Violence Courts in Tennessee,” Journal of Human Resources. Emily Owens
- “Situational and Victim Correlates of Increased Case Fatality Rates in Los Angeles Shootings, 2005–2021,” Journal of Urban Health. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete, Clarissa Iliff, George E. Tita
- “Accelerating Medicines Partnership® Schizophrenia (AMP® SCZ): Rationale and Study Design of the Largest Global Prospective Cohort Study of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis,” Schizophrenia Bulletin. Jason Schiffman
- “Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021,” The Lancet. Bryan L. Sykes
- “Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021,” The Lancet. Bryan L. Sykes
- “Heart rate and breathing effects on attention and memory (HeartBEAM): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in older adults,” Trials. Julian F. Thayer
- “A content analysis of social media discourse during Hurricane María: filling a void when traditional media are silent,” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences. Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Agency consultation networks in environmental impact assessment,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Jie Wang, Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Trajectories of offending over 9 years after youths' first arrest: What predicts who desists and who continues to offend?” Journal of Research on Adolescence (JRA). Elizabeth Cauffman, Jordan Beardslee, Colleen Sbeglia
- “Too sensitive or not sensitive enough? Sensitivity to context and justice-involved youths' response to violence exposure,” Journal of Research on Adolescence (JRA). Colleen Sbeglia, Curtis Donovyn Smith IV, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Urban-Rural Differences in Early Arithmetic Performance are Accounted for by Phonological Processing,” Journal of Cognition and Development. Chuansheng Chen
- “The promise and pitfalls of early project notification meetings; illuminating Santa Ana's sunshine ordinance,” Cities. Douglas Houston, Maria Ceja
- “High-Frequency Heart Rate Variability is Prospectively Associated with Sleep Complaints in a Healthy Working Cohort,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “High heart rate variability buffers the effect of attachment insecurity on sleep quality,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Julian F. Thayer
- “The great rewiring: is social media really behind an epidemic of teenage mental illness?” Nature. Candice L. Odgers
- “System circumvention: Dishonest-illegal transgressions are perceived as justified in non-meritocratic societies,” British Journal of Social Psychology. Paul K. Piff, Jake P. Moskowitz
- “Situational and Victim Correlates of Increased Case Fatality Rates in Los Angeles Shootings, 2005–2021,” Journal of Urban Health. Miguel Quintana-Navarrete, Clarissa Iliff, George E. Tita
- “The impact of pricing structure change on residential water consumption: A long-term analysis of water utilities in California,” Water Resources and Economics. Maura Allaire
- “Preserving What Matters: Longitudinal Changes in Control Over Interpersonal Stress and Non-Interpersonal Stress in Daily Life,” The Journals of Gerontology: Series B. Susan Turk Charles
- “Psychosocial predictors of the innate immune response to influenza vaccination,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Intergenerational Effects of the Fast Track Intervention on Next-Generation Child Outcomes: A Preregistered Randomized Clinical Trial,” The American Journal of Psychiatry. Candice L. Odgers
- “Too little, too much, and “just right”: Exploring the “goldilocks zone” of daily stress reactivity.” Emotion. Susan Turk Charles
- “Childhood Maltreatment and Immune Cell Gene Regulation during Adolescence: Transcriptomics Highlight Non-Classical Monocytes,” Biomolecules. Kate Kuhlman, Uma Rao
- “Psychosis superspectrum II: neurobiology, treatment, and implications,” Molecular Psychiatry. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Resting heart rate variability is associated with neural adaptation when repeatedly exposed to emotional stimuli,” Neuropsychologia. Julian F. Thayer
- “Attachment-Based Mentalization Profiles of Iranian Children: A Mixed-Method Approach,” Children. Jessica Borelli
- “A Greater Variety of Social Activities is Associated with Lower Mortality Risk,” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. Sangha Jeon, Susan Turk Charles
- “White Matter Plasticity Underpins Cognitive Gains after Multidomain Adaptive Computerized Cognitive Training,” The Journals of Gerontology Series A. Chuansheng Chen
- “Feminist retroviruses to white Sharia: Gender ‘science fan fiction’ on 4Chan,” Public Understanding of Science. Nicole Iturriaga
- “Executive functioning mediates the association between inflammation and 12-month depression-onset during adolescence,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Understanding the Causal Relationship Between Inflammation and Cognition: Data From Randomized Controlled Trials, Mendelian Randomization, and Observational Studies,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Kate Kuhlman
- “Family cash transfers in childhood and birthing persons and birth outcomes later in life,” SSM - Population Health. Candice L. Odgers
- “Ethnoracial Risk Variation Across the Psychosis Continuum in the USA Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,” JAMA Psychiatry. Miranda A. Bridgwater, Mallory J. Klaunig, Jason Schiffman
- “Effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial of Spanish language, digital cognitive-behavioral therapy (dCBT) intervention for depression and anxiety – protocol for the SUPERA (SUpport from PEeRs to expand Access) study,” Contemporary Clinical Trials. Rosa Hernandez-Ramos, Giovanni Ramos, Stephen M. Schueller
- “On Coping in a Non-Binary World: Rejoinder to Biedermann and Kotsoglou,” Statistics and Public Policy. Nicholas Scurich
- “Contrasting Objective and Perceived Risk: Predicting COVID-19 Health Behaviors in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample,” Annals of Behavioral Medicine. Rebecca R Thompson, Nickolas M Jones, E Alison Holman, Roxane Cohen Silver
- “The socioeconomic consequences of loneliness: Evidence from a nationally representative longitudinal study of young adults,” Social Science & Medicine. Candice L. Odgers
- “Insomnia and behaviorally induced sleep syndrome in undergraduates tested during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with health, stress, and GPA,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Angela F. Lukowski, Deborah Z. Kamliot, Caleb A. Schlaupitz
- “Control strategies for managing health threats in older adults,” Current Opinion. Jutta Heckhausen
- “Legal Phantoms: Executive Action and the Haunting Failures of Immigration Law,” Stanford University Press. Susan Coutin, Stephen Lee, Sameer Ashar
- “Complex adaptive systems-based framework for modeling the health impacts of climate change,” The Journal of Climate Change and Health. Richard A. Matthew
- “On Coping in a Non-Binary World: Rejoinder to Biedermann and Kotsoglou,” Statistics and Public Policy. Nicholas Scurich
- “Improved estimation of general cognitive ability and its neural correlates with a large battery of cognitive tasks,” Cerebral Cortex. Chuansheng Chen
- “Error-related cardiac deceleration: Functional interplay between error-related brain activity and autonomic nervous system in performance monitoring,” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Julian F. Thayer
- “Multi-ethnic variation in the ties that bind rumination and heart rate variability: Implications for health disparities,” Stress & Health. Vida Pourmand, Adebisi A. Akinyemi, Darcianne K. Watanabe, Beatriz Lopez Galeana, Cameron R. Wiley, Julian F. Thayer, DeWayne P. Williams
- “Genetic differences associated with dopamine and serotonin release mediate fear-induced bradycardia in the human brain,” Translational Psychiatry. Julian F. Thayer
- “Principles and procedures for revising the hierarchical taxonomy of psychopathology.” Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Compensatory prosocial behavior in high-risk adolescents observing social exclusion: The effects of emotion feedback,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Jodi A. Quas
- “Multi-Media Field Test: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at Our Fingertips: Sanvello Provides On-Demand Support for Mental Health,” Cognitive and Behavioral Practice. Justine Bautista, Michelle Liu, Stephen M. Schueller
- “Clash of the Titans: Escalating Conflict Between Surrogacy Contract Provisions and the Recriminalization of Abortion,” Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. Hilary L. Berk
- “Undoing mothers’ avoidant coping with children’s negative emotion: A randomized controlled trial of relational savoring.” Journal of Family Psychology. Jessica Borelli
- “Variability in the Integration of Peers in a Multi-site Digital Mental Health Innovation Project,” Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. Stephen M. Schueller
- “Negative emotions enhance memory-guided attention in a visual search task by increasing frontoparietal, insular, and parahippocampal cortical activity,” Cortex. Dewayne P. Williams, Julian F. Thayer
- “Parental Legal Culpability in Youth Offending,” Annual Review of Criminology. Colleen Sbeglia, Imani Randolph, Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Repressed Memories (of Sexual Abuse Against Minors) and Statutes of Limitations in Europe: Status Quo and Possible Alternatives,” Topics in Cognitive Science. Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Climate Change, Migration, and Health Disparities at and Beyond the US-Mexico Border.” JAMA. Michael Méndez, Angelu C. Lesaca
- “The Structure and Operation of the Transgender Criminal Legal System Nexus in the United States: Inequalities, Administrative Violence, and Injustice at Every Turn,” Annual Review of Criminology. Valerie Jenness, Alexis Rowland
- “Automating the analysis of facial emotion expression dynamics: A computational framework and application in psychotic disorders,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Social Ecological Systems in Flux,” Annual Review of Sociology. Daniel Stokols
- “Adding Insult to Injury: Everyday Discrimination Moderates Stressor-Related Negative Affect,” Behavioral Medicine. Amandeep Kaur, Susan T. Charles, Kristine M. Molina
- “Civic Responses to the Mexican Mortgage and Real Estate Boom,” Planners Network Dissorientation Guide. Alejandra Reyes
- “Housing as a battlefield,” Radical Housing Journal. Alejandra Reyes
- “Forum of Federations Handbook on Local Government in Federal Systems,” Forum of Federations. Alejandra Reyes
- “Serving Students through Service Learning: A Digital Pandemic Histories Archive,” The Journal of Service Learning in Higher Education. Vivianna Marie Goh, Susan Bibler Coutin, Kameryn Denaro, Michael Dennin, Richard Matthew, Dmitry Tsukerman
- “Planet on the move: Reimagining conservation at the intersection of migration, environmental change, and conflict,” IUCN Press. Richard Matthew
- “Dianne L. Chambless (1948–2023).” American Psychologist. Alyson K. Zalta
- “Web-based personalized normative feedback to decrease stigma and increase intentions to seek help.” Stigma and Health. Jason Schiffman
Book Chapters
- “Introduction: Learning and Teaching Ethnography in Real Time through Supportive Communities of Practice,” Communities of Practice and Ethnographic Fieldwork. Lee Cabatingan, Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Shelter on the journey: humanitarianism, human rights, and migration,” Ethnic and Racial Studies. Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Is It Possible to Train Ethnographers in Programs Where Most Faculty and Students Use Other Methods?” Communities of Practice and Ethnographic Fieldwork. Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Law’s Boundaries: Barbara Yngvesson’s Virtuous Citizens, Disruptive Subjects and the Construction of Community in the Margins of Law,” Leading Works in the Anthropology of Law. Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Roads to Return,” States of Return: Rethinking Migration and Mobility. Susan Bibler Coutin
- “How science engages with ethics and why it should: An interdisciplinary approach” Chapter 4 in How Science Engages with Ethics and Why It Should. Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Near-Roadway Pollution in South Central Fresno, California: Can State-Led, Place-Based Community Engagement Advance Environmental Justice?” Chapter 4 in Equity in the Urban Built Environment. Douglas Houston
- “46: Public Acceptability of Water Supply Innovations,” Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management. David L. Feldman
- “The role of selection and motivation in emotion regulation in later life.” Handbook of emotion regulation. Susan Turk Charles
- “Heart rate variability in mental health and psychotherapy,” Integrating Psychotherapy and Psychophysiology: Theory, Assessment, and Practice. Julian F. Thayer