December 31, 2023

The following are articles published in research journals by faculty members, postdoctoral scholars and students in 2023.
- “Excess mortality in U.S. prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Science Advances. Associate Professor Naomi F. Sugie, Professor Keramet Reiter, Graduate Students Rebecca Tublitz, Daniela Kaiser and Erin Secrist
- “Implementing precision methods in personalizing psychological therapies: Barriers and possible ways forward,” Behaviour Research and Therapy. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Does Street Social Activity Impact Crime? An Analysis in New York City,” Crime & Delinquency. Professor John R. Hipp
- “Do employment centers matter? Consequences for commuting distance in the Los Angeles region, 2002–2019,” Cities. Associate Professor Jae Hong Kim, Professor John R. Hipp
- “Complex Adaptive Systems-Based Conceptual Framework for Modeling the Health Impacts of Climate Change,” The Journal of Climate Change and Health. Professor Richard A. Matthew
- “Effects of neighborhood disadvantage and peer deviance on adolescent antisocial behavior: Testing potential interactions with age-of-onset,” Development and Psychopathology. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “PARTICIPATION IN DIVERSE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES IS ASSOCIATED WITH LOW MORTALITY RISK,” Innovation in Aging. Ph.D. Student Sangha Jeon, Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES MEDIATE EXECUTIVE FUNCTION AND STRESS AMONG AGING ADULTS,” Innovation in Aging. Ph.D. Candidate Julie A. Kircher, Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “AGE DIFFERENCES IN STRESSOR REACTIVITY AND RECOVERY,” Innovation in Aging. Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “DAILY STRESS PROCESSES, PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, AND SLEEP IN OLDER ADULTHOOD,” Innovation in Aging. Professor Susan Turk Charles, Graduate Student Researcher Colette Brown
- “Police Misconduct in Exoneration Cases in Los Angeles County,” University of California, Irvine School of Law & Legal Studies Research Paper Series. Professor Simon A. Cole, Ph.D. Candidate Juan Sandoval
- “Microscopic Hair Comparison and Convicting the Innocent,” University of California, Irvine School of Law & Legal Studies Research Paper Series. Professor Simon A. Cole
- “Highlighting health consequences of racial disparities sparks support for action,” Science. Assistant Professor Pia Dietze
- “The role of discrete emotional reactions to child sexual abuse (CSA) testimony in mock juror decision-making,” Psychology, Crime & Law. Alumni Alma Patricia Olaguez and Joanna Peplak, Graduate Student Georgia Lundon, Associate Professor J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Pitfalls and potential: Translating the two-hit model of early life stress from pre-clinical non-human experiments to human samples,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “Protocol for teen inflammation glutamate emotion research (TIGER): Toward predictors of treatment response and clinical course in depressed adolescents,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity - Health. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “Violent transitions: towards a political ecology of coal and hydropower in India,” Climate and Development. Assistant Professor Mukul Kumar
- “Effectiveness-implementation hybrid trial of Spanish language, digital cognitive-behavioral therapy (dCBT) intervention for depression and anxiety – protocol for the SUPERA (SUpport from PEeRs to expand Access) study,” Contemporary Clinical Trials. Graduate Student Yazleen Reyes, Doctoral Student Rosa Hernandez-Ramos, Postdoctoral Fellow Giovanni Ramos, Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Mental Health Apps for Children and Adolescents: A Clinician-Friendly Review.” Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Extradition and Whole Life Sentences,” Criminal Law Forum. Assistant Professor Christopher Seeds
- “THE AGING BRAIN: A NEUROVISCERAL INTEGRATION PERSPECTIVE.” Innovation in Aging. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Culturally compelled coping and depressive symptoms in Black Americans: Examining the role of psychophysiological regulatory capacity,” Emotion. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “How to slay zombie research projects and move on,” Nature. Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri
- “A Relationship-Based Resilience Program for Promotores: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Waitlist Trial,” JMIR Research Protocols. Graduate Student Researcher Lyric N. Russo, PostDoc Kelly F. M. Kazmierski, Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Salivary uric acid across child development and associations with weight, height, and body mass index,” Frontiers in Psychology. Associate Professor Amy L. Dent, Alum Olivia Silke, Chancellor’s Professor Douglas A. Granger
- “A broader conceptualization of premorbid risk in psychoses can motivate primordial prevention,” Schizophrenia Research. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Resting heart rate variability and emotion regulation difficulties: Comparing Asian Americans and European Americans,” International Journal of Psychophysiology. Ph.D. Student Vida Pourmand, Alum Jocelyn Lai, Graduate Student Cameron R. Wiley, Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer, Assistant Professor DeWayne P. Williams
- “Depressive symptom trajectories in older breast cancer survivors: the Thinking and Living with Cancer Study,” Journal of Cancer Survivorship. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “Trajectories of depressive symptoms early in the course of bereavement: Patterns, psychosocial factors and risk of prolonged grief,” Stress & Health. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Deconstructing the Power Dynamics of Prison Research,” The Prison Journal. Professor Keramet Reiter
- “Marginal-Preserving Imputation of Three-Way Array Data in Nested Structures, with Application to Small Areal Units,” Sociological Methodology. Ph.D. Candidate Xiaoshuang Iris Luo, Professor John R. Hipp
- “Attachment insecurity, heart rate variability, and perceived social support in a diverse sample of young adults,” Frontiers in Psychology. Doctoral Student Vida Pourmand, Alum Nicole M. Froidevaux, Assistant Professor DeWayne Williams, Professor Ilona S. Yim, Professor Belinda Campos
- “Place-Based Developmental Research: Conceptual and Methodological Advances in Studying Youth Development in Context,” Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development. Associate Professor Naomi F. Sugie
- “Looking back, Forging Ahead: Fifteen Years of Strength and Vulnerability Integration (SAVI),” Current Opinion in Psychology. Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “Writing communities to (re-) engage faculty: The U See I Write Initiative,” To Improve the Academy. Professor Ilona S. Yim, Graduate Student Researcher Peiyi Wang
- “Real-World Adoption of Mental Health Support Among Adolescents: Cross-Sectional Analysis of the California Health Interview Survey,” Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Prosocial motives underlie scientific censorship by scientists: A perspective and research agenda,” Psychological and Cognitive Sciences. Professor Peter H. Ditto, Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “It's in the Syllabus: The Relationship Between Syllabi Word Use and Teaching Evaluations,” Journal of Language and Social Psychology. Associate Teaching Professor Joanne F. Zinger
- “Mapping the landscape of water and society research: Promising combinations of compatible and complementary disciplines,” WIREs Water. Assistant Professor Maura Allaire
- “From state of the practice to state of the art: improving equity analysis in regional transportation plans,” Transportation. Ph.D. Student Maxwell Cabello, Associate Professor Nicholas J. Marantz
- “Nanopowders from waste printed circuit boards: Review and evaluation from an alternatives assessment perspective,” Resources, Conservation & Recycling. Professor Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Interpreting eyewitness confidence: Numeric, verbal, and graded verbal scales,” Applied Cognitive Psychology. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Scientific guidelines for evaluating the validity of forensic feature-comparison methods,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Moving Evidence-Based Mental Health Interventions into Practice: Implementation of Digital Mental Health Interventions,” Current Treatment Options in Psychiatry. MPH Michelle Liu, Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Insomnia and behaviorally induced sleep syndrome in undergraduates tested during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with health, stress, and GPA,” Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine. Associate Professor Angela Lukowski, Ph.D. Student Deborah Z. Kamliot, Ph.D. Student Caleb A. Schlaupitz
- “Signals of discipline and puritanical challenges to liberty,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Alum Jared B. Celniker, Professor Peter H. Ditto, Associate Professor Paul K. Piff
- “The contradictory field of community organizing in the United States: A theoretical framework,” Planning Theory. Professor Walter Nicholls
- “They Saw a Hearing: Democrats’ and Republicans’ Perceptions of and Responses to the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearings,” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Alumni Emma L. Grisham, Pasha Dashtgard and Daniel P. Relihan, Professor E. Alison Holman, Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver
- “The Multiple Roles of Emotion in Interpretation and Memory of Sexual Consent,” Topics in Cognitive Science. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Overseeing Infill,” Journal of the American Planning Association. Associate Professor Nicholas J. Marantz, Ph.D. Student Youjin B. Kim
- “The Neurodevelopmental Considerations of Schizotypy,” A Dimensional Approach to Schizotypy. Graduate Students Madeline E. Snyder, Jennifer M. Blank, Miranda A. Bridgwater, Maksim Giljen and Emily Petti, Professor Jason Schiffman, Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Editorial: The good side of technology: how we can harness the positive potential of digital technology to maximize well-being,” Frontiers in Psychology. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation,” Nature Climate Change. Assistant Professor Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Editorial: Evidence-based frameworks of assessment and treatment in forensic psychiatry practice,” Frontiers in Psychiatry. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Promoting Adolescents' Social Responsibility through Parent-Adolescent Conversations about the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Adolescent Health. Alum Joanna Peplak, Associate Professor J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “An Analysis of Micro-scale Conflict in Collaborative Governance,” Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. Assistant Professor Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Alcohol Use, Rape Myth Acceptance, Rape Empathy, and Sexual Assault History Influence the Believability of a Hypothetical Victim’s Report of Sexual Assault,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Associate Professor Jenny K. Rinehart
- “Hedges, mottes, and baileys: Causally ambiguous statistical language can increase perceived study quality and policy relevance,” PLOS ONE. Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin
- “5.79 Patterns of Abuse and Psychiatric Medication Use Among Urban Youth Experiencing Homelessness,” Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Associate Professor Alyson Zalta, Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Modeling relations between event-related potential factors and broader versus narrower dimensions of externalizing psychopathology,” Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Rapport building with adolescents to enhance reporting and disclosure,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Alum Rachel E. Dianiska, Student Emma Simpson, Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “Differential Associations of Childhood Abuse and Neglect With Adult Autonomic Regulation and Mood-Related Pathology,” Psychosomatic Medicine. Alum Sarah Stevens, Assistant Professor DeWayne Williams, Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer, Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “The calculus of the record: Criminal history in the making of US Federal Sentencing Guidelines,” Wake Forest University School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper Series. Chancellor’s Professor Mona Lynch
- “Switching it up: Activity diversity and cognitive functioning in later life.” Psychology and Aging. Graduate Student Researcher Colette Brown, Ph.D. Student Sangha Jeon, Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “Adjusting to college—Do ability beliefs and confidence in getting support matter for performance and mental health?” Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. Distinguished Professor Jutta Heckhausen
- “Daily heart rate variability biofeedback training decreases locus coeruleus MRI contrast in younger adults in a randomized clinical trial,” International Journal of Psychophysiology. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Representational Hierarchies in Social Movements: A Case Study of the Undocumented Immigrant Youth Movement,” American Journal of Sociology. Professor Walter Nicholls
- “The interactive associations between positive and negative affect and alcohol in real-world social drinking environments,” Cogent Psychology. Ph.D. Student Veronica Ramirez, Professor Sarah Pressman
- “Adminigration: City-Level Governance of Immigrant Community Members,” Law & Social Inquiry. Professor Susan Bibler Coutin, Professor Walter Nicholls
- “Partitioning the Expected Value of Countermeasures with an Application to Terrorism,” Decision Analysis. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Impulse control moderates the association between substance use and substance use-related consequences among justice-system-involved youth,” Applied Developmental Science. Alum Jordan Beardslee, Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Connecting physical and social science datasets: challenges and pathways forward,” Environmental Research Communications. Graduate Student Researcher Carlo Andre Chunga Pizarro, Assistant Professor Michael Méndez
- “Can TODs Include Affordable Housing?” Journal of the American Planning Association. Associate Professor Ajay Garde
- “Elementary school teachers’ perspectives about learning during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Science of Learning. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Exploring User Perspectives of and Ethical Experiences With Teletherapy Apps: Qualitative Analysis of User Reviews,” JMIR Mental Health. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Exhaustion and cardiovascular risk factors: the role of vagally-mediated heart rate variability,” Annals of Epidemiology. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Predictors of attributions of self-blame and internalizing behavior problems in sexually abused children,” Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “Smartphone Data Reveal Neighborhood-Level Racial Disparities in Police Presence,” The Review of Economics and Statistics. Profesor Emily Owens
- “Comparing a Computerized Digit Symbol Test to a Pen-and-Paper Classic,” Schizophrenia Bulletin Open. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Examining the relation among callous-unemotional traits and cortisol, alpha-amylase, and testosterone reactivity in legal system involved young men,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Ph.D. Student Emma Louise Rodgers, Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “High-definition transcranial direct current stimulation (HD-tDCS) of the left middle temporal gyrus (LMTG) improves mathematical reasoning,” Brain Topography. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “The influence of psychotic-like experiences on intent to seek treatment: Findings from a multi-site community survey of mental health experiences,” Schizophrenia Research. Graduate Student Researcher Miranda A. Bridgwater, Alum Mallory J. Klaunig, Graduate Student Emily Petti, Clinical Research Lab Manager Alison Boos, Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Changes in college students' socioeconomic status aspirations during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Ph.D. Student Jennica Rogers, Distinguished Professor Jutta Heckhausen
- “Socio-spatial health disparities in Covid-19 cases and deaths in United States skilled nursing facilities over 30 months,” American Journal of Infection Control. Professor John R. Hipp
- “LGBTQ+ People’s Views of the Police: Friend or Foe?” American Sociological Association. Distinguished Professor Valerie Jenness
- “Redressing Racial and Ethnic Wrongs in the Criminal Legal System,” Contexts. Associate Professor Bryan L. Sykes, Ph.D. Candidate Meghan Ballard
- “As a new challenger approaches, how will modern psychiatry cope with ’shifting realities’?” Acta Neuropsychiatrica. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Associations between police harassment and distrust in and reduced access to healthcare among Black sexual minority men: A longitudinal analysis of HPTN 061,” PLOS One. Associate Professor Amanda Geller
- “The COVID-19 Pandemic, Prison Downsizing, and Crime Trends,” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. Professor Charis E. Kubrin, Ph.D. Candidate Bradley J. Bartos
- “Beliefs and therapeutic practices related to traumatic memories among Italian cognitive behavioral therapists and trainees,” Journal of Criminal Psychology. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Intersubject similarity in neural representations underlies shared episodic memory content,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Intergenerational Effects of a Family Cash Transfer on the Home Environment,” Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “How Important is Developmental Maturity in Assessing Whether Adolescents Will Share True or False Accounts of a First Offense in Legal Interactions?” Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Female perpetrators of child sexual abuse in the United States,” Journal of Criminal Psychology. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Development of the PSYCHS: Positive SYmptoms and Diagnostic Criteria for the CAARMS Harmonized with the SIPS,” Early Intervention in Psychiatry. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Distortions in time perception during collective trauma: Insights from a national longitudinal study during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Professor E. Alison Holman, Alum Nickolas M. Jones, Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Welfare Drug Bans and Criminal Legal Cycling,” American Journal of Sociology. Associate Professor Naomi F. Sugie
- “Weak correlations among 13 episodic memory tasks related to the same public event,” Applied Cognitive Psychology. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus, Professor Linda J. Levine, Alum Rebecca Hofstein Grady
- “Just as I expected? Hindsight bias for the outcome of a national referendum is moderated by outcome valence and surprise,” Applied Cognitive Psychology. Professor Linda J. Levine, Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Recycled water could recharge aquifers in the Central Valley,” California Agriculture. Assistant Professor Nícola Ulibarrí
- “Neurobiology of eating behavior, nutrition, and health,” Journal of Internal Medicine. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Beyond visual inspection: capturing neighborhood dynamics with historical Google Street View and deep learning-based semantic segmentation,” The Journal of Geographical Systems. Associate Professor Jae Hong Kim, Ph.D. Student Nene Osutei, Professor John R. Hipp
- “Can text messages reduce incarceration in rural and vulnerable populations?” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. Professor Emily Owens
- “The effect of choice on memory: The role of theta oscillations,” Psychophysiology. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Authors’ Response to the Validity of Cortisol and Galvanic Skin Responses for Measuring Student Stress During Training,” JMIR Medical Education. Professor Sarah Pressman
- “Shared social identity and media transmission of trauma,” Scientific Reports. Alumni Daniel P. Relihan and Nickolas M. Jones, Professor E. Alison Holman, Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Do children with ADHD symptoms become socially isolated? Longitudinal within-person associations in a nationally-representative cohort,” European Psychiatry. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Physical exercise augmented cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with generalised anxiety disorder (PEXACOG): a feasibility study for a randomized controlled trial,” BioPsychoSocial Medicine. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Three-Way ROCs for Forensic Decision Making,” Statistics and Public Policy. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Early musical training benefits to non-musical cognitive ability associated with the Gestalt principles,” Frontiers in Psychology. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Labeling effects of initial juvenile justice system processing decision on youth interpersonal ties*,” Criminology. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Expanding research on the impact of financial hardship on emotional well-being: guidance of diverse stakeholders to the Emotional Well-Being and Economic Burden of Disease (EMOT-ECON) Research Network,” Frontiers in Psychology. Professor Sarah Pressman
- “Multimodal neuroimaging data from a 5-week heart rate variability biofeedback randomized clinical trial,” Scientific Data. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer, Associate Professor Daniel A. Nation
- “A two-phase, prescriptive comparative effectiveness study to optimize the treatment of co-occurring insomnia and depression with digital interventions,” Contemporary Clinical Trials. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Environmental Racism and the Global Political Ecology of Industrial Disasters,” Ecology, Economy and Society–the INSEE Journal. Assistant Professor Mukul Kumar
- “Immigrant-Ethnic Activity Space (IEAS), Ex-Prisoner Concentration, and Recidivism,” Crime & Delinquency. Professor John R. Hipp
- “Expanding, improving, and understanding behaviour research and therapy through digital mental health,” Behaviour Research and Therapy. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Misinformation are people susceptible to blatant error?” Legal and Criminological Psychology. Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “A slow paced breathing intervention increases HRV in hospitalized COVID-19-pneumonia patients – secondary results from a clinical randomized controlled trial,” International Journal of Psychophysiology. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Do Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Become Socially Isolated? Longitudinal Within-Person Associations in a Nationally Representative Cohort,” JAACAP Open. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Misinformation – past, present, and future,” Psychology, Crime & Law. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus, Associate Professor J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “International stakeholder perspectives on One Health training and empowerment: a needs assessment for a One Health Workforce Academy,” One Health Outlook. Professor Oladele Ogunseitan
- “The Emergence of Environmental Justice in General Plans: Lessons From California's Senate Bill 1000,” Urban Affairs Review. Assistant Professor Michael Méndez
- “Post-traumatic-stress in the context of childhood maltreatment: pathways from attachment through mentalizing during the transition to parenthood,” Frontiers in Psychology. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Daily heart rate variability biofeedback practice sessions affect plasma Αβ40 and Αβ42 levels in healthy younger and older adults: A randomized clinical trial (N = 108),” Alzheimer's & Dementia. Associate Professor Daniel A. Nation, Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Understanding Users’ Experiences of a Novel Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Platform for Depression and Anxiety: Qualitative Interviews From Pilot Trial Participants,” JMIR Formative Research. Alumni Jane Shkel, Gavin Green and Stacey Le, Ph.D. Candidate Benjamin Kaveladze, Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Postmarket Surveillance for Effective Regulation of Digital Mental Health Treatments,” Psychiatric Services. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Idiosyncratic media exposures during a pandemic and their link to well-being, cognition, and behavior over time,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Alumni Nickolas M. Jones and Rebecca R. Thompson, Professor E. Alison Holman, Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Maternal Diet Quality and Prenatal Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating Role of Economic Well-Being,” Nutrients. Graduate Student Researcher Peiyi Wang, Professor Ilona S. Yim
- “Ethnic discrimination and self-rated health among Hispanic emerging adults: Examining the moderating effects of self-esteem and resilience,” International Journal of Intercultural Relations. Associate Professor Kristine Molina
- “Is HbA1c associated with birth weight? A multivariable analysis of Pakistani pregnant women,” Obstetrics and Gynecology Research. Alum Olivia Silke, Professor Ilona S. Yim
- “Sex Differences in Neural Correlates of Emotion Regulation in Relation to Resting Heart Rate Variability,” Brain Topography. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Lifting Place and the Future of Black and Brown Coalitions,” Sociological Forum. Associate Professor María G. Rendón
- “Do liberals value emotion more than conservatives? Political partisanship and lay beliefs about the functionality of emotion,” Motivation and Emotion. Professor Linda Levine and Graduate Student Minyoung Choi
- “COVID-19 and the Latinx community: ‘Promotoras represent a community in pain’,” Journal of Latinx Psychology. Undergraduate Student Christina Maquez, PostDoc Kelly F. M. Kazmierski, Graduate Students Jaqueline Arcos Carballo, Jackie Garcia, Vanessa Avalos, and Allen A. Perez, Graduate Student Researcher Lyric N. Russo, Doctoral Student Jose Arreola, Undergraduate Research Assistant Alyssa Hernandez Rodriguez, Professor Nancy Guerra, Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Space matters: An examination of the circumstances surrounding violence against correctional staff,” Journal of Criminal Justice. Professor Nancy Rodriguez, Alum Katherine Waggoner
- “Rivalries, reputation, retaliation, and repetition: Testing plausible mechanisms for the contagion of violence between street gangs using relational event models,” Network Science. Professor George E. Tita
- “Moral Judgments Impact Perceived Risks From COVID-19 Exposure,” Collabra: Psychology. Postdoctoral Researcher Daniel Relihan and Professor Peter H. Ditto
- “Doing diversity work in higher education: Systemic inequality, institutional change, and campus attitudes,” Equity in Education & Society. Professor Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Precision behavioral phenotyping as a strategy for uncovering the biological correlates of psychopathology,” Nature Mental Health. Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Chronic Pain and Affective Experiences Associated with Daily Stressors and Uplifts,” International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology. Ph.D. Candidate Julie A. Kircher, Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “Cognitive behavioural anger treatment for adults with intellectual disabilities: effects of therapist experience on outcome,” Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy. Professor Raymond W. Novaco
- “The imperatives of TOD regulations: facilitating sustainability and predictability of built-form,” Journal of Urban Design. Associate Professor Ajay Garde, Alum Qi Song
- “Fighting to breathe: race, toxicity, and the rise of youth activism in Baltimore,” Ethnic and Racial Studies. Professor Susan Bibler Coutin
- “Downward adjustment of rehabilitation goals may facilitate post-stroke arm motor recovery,” Psychology & Health. Ph.D. Candidate Yongwon Cho, Distinguished Professor Jutta Heckhausen
- “Economic Booms and Recidivism,” Journal of Quantitative Criminology. Professor Emily Owens
- “Facilitators of and Barriers to Integrating Digital Mental Health Into County Mental Health Services: Qualitative Interview Analyses,” JMIR Formative Research. Alumni Eduardo Ceballos-Corro, Jorge Castro Jr. and Kristina J. Palomares and Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Territory, residency, and routine activities: A typology of gang member mobility patterns with implications for place-based interventions,” Journal of Criminal Justice. Professor George E. Tita
- “Successful Criminal Prosecutions of Sex Trafficking and Sexual Abuse of Minors: A Comparative Analysis,” Child Maltreatment. Professor Jodi A. Quas, Alumni Shreya Mukhopadhyay, Kaitlin M. H. Winks and Rachel E. Dianiska
- “Downstream effects of frayed relations: Juror race, judgment, and perceptions of police,” Race & Justice. Professor Mona Lynch and Ph.D. Alum Emily V. Shaw
- “Politicization of a pathogen: A prospective longitudinal study of COVID-19 responses in a nationally representative U.S. sample,” Political Psychology. Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver, Professor Peter Ditto and Post-Bac Student Daniel Relihan
- “Fear-induced bradycardia in mental disorders: Foundations, current advances, future perspectives,” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “Resilience to stress across the lifespan: Childhood maltreatment, heart rate variability, and bereavement,” Psychology and aging. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “The craft of translation: documentary practices within immigration advocacy in the United States,” Political and Legal Anthropology Review. Professor Susan Bibler Coutin and Ph.D. Alum Veronique Fortin
- "The Spatial Distribution of Neighborhood Safety Ties: Consequences for Perceived Collective Efficacy?" Journal of Urban Affairs Forthcoming. Professor John R. Hipp
- “Toward improved sediment management and coastal resilience through efficient permitting in California,” Environmental Management. Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri, Professor Richard Matthew and Ph.D. alum Kristen Goodrich
- “Environmental justice, infrastructure provisioning, and environmental impact assessment: Evidence from the California Environmental Quality Act,” Environmental Science & Policy. Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri and Graduate Student Jie Wang
- “Making the call: how does perceived race affect desire to call the police?” Journal of Experimental Criminology. Graduate Student Justin L. Sola and Professor Charis Kubrin
- “Visit-to-Visit Blood Pressure Variability and Cognitive Decline in Apolipoprotein ɛ4 Carriers versus Apolipoprotein ɛ3 Homozygotes,” Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. Associate Professor Daniel Nation
- “The association of negative mood on automatic and effortful facial expression mimicry,” Frontiers in Psychology. Professor Sarah Pressman, Graduate Student Jazlyn Luu and Ph.D. Alum Marie Cross
- “Addressing mental health aftershocks from the Turkey-Syria earthquake: A call for action,” Nature Mental Health. Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver
- “Environmental design for the physical-virtual continuum,” Journal of Interior Design. Professor Emeritus Daniel Stokols and Core Ph.D. Student Ruth Barankevich
- “Cross-stage neural pattern similarity in the hippocampus predicts false memory derived from post-event inaccurate information,” Nature Communications. Professor Chuansheng Chen and Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Loftus
- “Immigrant Victimization: Centering Language in Theory, Data and Method,” Societies. Professor Charis Kubrin and Graduate Student Meghan Maree Ballard
- “Longitudinal relationship between number line estimation and other mathematical abilities in Chinese preschool children,” Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Frontline Medical Professionals' Ability to Recognize and Respond to Suspected Youth Sex Trafficking,” Pediatric Emergency Care. Alum Kaitlin M. H. Winks, Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “Early life adversity is associated with attenuated testosterone reactivity to acute stress among adolescents,” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Ph.D. Student Emma Louise Rodgers, Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “Proactive and reactive aggression: Developmental trajectories and longitudinal associations with callous–unemotional traits, impulsivity, and internalizing emotions,” Development and Psychopathology. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Beyond cognitive deficits: how social class shapes social cognition,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences. Assistant Professor Pia Dietze
- “Fear-induced bradycardia in mental disorders: Foundations, current advances, future perspectives,” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “50. The Influence of NPY on the Relationship Between Emotion Regulation and Psychopathology in Survivors of Childhood Interpersonal Trauma,” Biological Psychiatry. Alum Sarah Stevens, Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Chemicals management approach to sustainable development of materials,” MRS Bulletin. Professor Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Extreme Violence and Weight-Related Outcomes in Mexican Adults,” Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Assistant Professor Miguel Quintana-Navarrete
- “Enhanced Immune Activation Following Acute Social Stress Among Adolescents With Early-Life Adversity,” Biological Psychiatry: Global Open Science. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “The Role of Service and Community in Academia: Reflections of a Latina Criminologist,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education. Professor Nancy Rodriguez
- “Day-to-day variation in adolescent food insecurity,” Children and Youth Services Review. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Mental Wellbeing at Work: Perspectives of Software Engineers,” CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Domestic violence assault during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal community study,” BMC Public Health. Professor Ilona S. Yim
- “Fossil fuel layoff: The economic and employment effects of a refinery closure on workers in the Bay Area,” UC Berkeley Labor Center. Professor Virginia Parks
- “Outcomes and Lessons Learned from an Intensive Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Neuroscience,” Journal of STEM Outreach. Alum Manuella Oliveira-Yassa, Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Development and Validation of the Negative Symptom Inventory-Psychosis Risk,” Schizophrenia Bulletin. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “The influence of parent conversation goal and structure on children’s event reports,” Cognitive Development. Associate Professor J. Zoe Klemfuss, Alum Joanna Peplak
- “Problematic technology use and sleep quality in young adulthood: novel insights from a nationally representative twin study,” Sleep. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Effect of a web-based app music intervention in the management of chronic pain: a randomised controlled trial by type of pain,” Music and Medicine. Assistant Professor DeWayne Williams, Ph.D. Student Darcianne K. Watanabe
- “Environmental Design for the Physical-Virtual Continuum,” Journal of Interior Design. Ph.D. Student Ruth Barankevich, Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus Daniel Stokols
- “Water innovations can quench our thirst – but will people buy into them?” Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management. David L. Feldman
- “Enabling and centering equity and justice in clean energy transition research,” Joule. Assistant Professor Dominic J. Bednar
- “Prosecutors as punishers: A case study of Trump-era practices,” Punishment & Society. Professor Mona Lynch
- “Juror perceptions of incentivized informant testimony,” Psychology, Crime, & Law. Professor Mona Lynch, Ph.D. alum Emily V. Shaw and Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Psychology meets biology in COVID-19: What we know and why it matters for public health,” Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Distinguished Professor Roxane Cohen Silver, Professor Sarah Pressman and Graduate Student Cameron Wiley
- “Sex differences in heart rate and heart rate variability in rats: Implications for translational research,” Frontiers in Physiology. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer and Assistant Professor DeWayne P Williams
- "Effects of a Randomised Trial of 5-Week Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Intervention on Cognitive Function: Possible Benefits for Inhibitory Control," Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “Site-Specific Knockdown of Microglia in the Locus Coeruleus Regulates Hypervigilant Responses to Social Stress in Female Rats,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “Modulating heart rate oscillation affects plasma amyloid beta and tau levels in younger and older adults,” Scientific Reports. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “From Primary to Presidency: Fake News, False Memory, and Changing Attitudes in the 2016 Election,” Journal of Social and Political Psychology. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Loftus, Professor Peter H Ditto, Professor Linda Levine and Graduate Student Daniel Relihan
- “Using emotion to guide decisions: The accuracy and perceived value of emotional intensity forecasts,” Motivation & Emotion. Professor Linda Levine and Graduate Student Katie Hardin Winks
- “The role of early life adversity and inflammation in stress-induced change in reward and risk processes among adolescents,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Assistant Professor Kate R. Kuhlman
- “Self-report measure of parental reflective functioning: A study of reliability and validity across three samples of varying clinical risk,” Infant Mental Health Journal. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Enhancing parental reflective functioning: A special tribute to the life and work of Nancy E. Suchman, PhD,” Infant Mental Health Journal. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Eyewitness testimony and memory biases,” Australasian Policing. Cara Laney, Distinguished Professor Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Mothering from the Inside Out: Results of a community-based randomized efficacy trial testing a mentalization-base,” Infant Mental Health Journal. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Interventions to Modify Psychological Well-Being: Progress, Promises, and an Agenda for Future Research,” Affective Science. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “The interactive effect of external rewards and self-determined choice on memory,” Psychological Research. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Beyond Biological Essentialism: White Nationalism, Health Disparities Data, and the Cultivation of Lay Agnotology,” Social Problems. Assistant Professor Nicole Iturriaga
- “The associations between attenuated psychosis symptoms and functioning in Black and White youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis,” Schizophrenia Research. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “The reliability and validity of the revised Green et al. paranoid thoughts scale in individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis,” Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Review of factors resulting in systemic biases in the screening, assessment, and treatment of individuals at clinical high-risk for psychosis in the United States,” Frontiers in Psychiatry. Graduate Student Researcher Miranda A. Bridgwater, Graduate Students Emily Petti and Maksim Giljen, Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin, Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Anger Rumination Vs. Revenge Planning: Divergent Associations with Aggression and Life Satisfaction,” Journal of School Violence. Doctoral Student Isaias M. Contreras, Professor Raymond W. Novaco
- “Altered resting-state functional connectivity in the prefrontal cortex is related to the development of dyscalculia in patients with Turner syndrome,” Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Family-Based Psychosocial Interventions for Severe Mental Illness: Social Barriers and Policy Implications,” Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Examining talent attraction and retention in small and medium-sized cities: Where do universities fit in?” Growth and Change. Ph.D. Student Nene Osutei, Associate Professor Jae Hong Kim
- “Socioenvironmental Adversity and Adolescent Psychotic Experiences: Exploring Potential Mechanisms in a UK Longitudinal Cohort,” Schizophrenia Bulletin. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Does perceived support moderate the link between acculturative stress and problematic eating behaviors? The role of family, significant other, and friend support,” International Journal of Eating Disorders. Graduate Student Peiyi Wang, Alum Esmeralda R. Garcia, Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen, Professor Ilona S. Yim
- “Self-reported Gesture Interpretation and Performance Deficits in Individuals at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis,” Schizophrenia Bulletin. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “College Women’s Perceptions of Judgements on Aggression and Risk of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration in Potential Romantic Partners,” Journal of Family Violence. Graduate Student Lyric N. Russo, Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Barriers and strategies to improve digital mental health intervention uptake among college students of color: A modified Delphi study,” Journal of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Mapping Psychosis Risk States Onto the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Using Hierarchical Symptom Dimensions,” Clinical Psychological Science. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “The Past, Present, and Future of Psychotherapy Manuals: Protocol for a Scoping Review,” JMIR Research Protocols. Alum Katherine Wislocki, Laboratory Assistant Mai-Lan Tran, Graduate Student Emily Petti, Doctoral Students Rosa Hernandez-Ramos and David Cenkner, Graduate Student Researcher Miranda Bridgwater, Alum Leslie Walker, Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Fleeting energy protections: State and utility level policy responses to energy poverty in the United States during COVID-19,” Energy Research & Social Science. Assistant Professor Dominic J. Bednar
- “Mentalization in Typically and Atypically Developing Iranian Children and Its Associations with Age, Sex, and Externalizing/Internalizing Symptoms,” Children. Graduate Student Lyric N. Russo, Professor Nancy Guerra, Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Individual and collective contribution of antenatal psychosocial distress conditions and preterm birth in Pakistani women,” PLOS ONE. Professor Ilona S. Yim
- “Disaster Response Must Help Protect LGBTQ+ Communities,” Issues in Science and Technology. Assistant Professor Michael Méndez
- “Life Without Parole Sentencing.” Oxford Bibliographies. Christopher Seeds
- “Increasing coordination and responsivity of emotion-related brain regions with a heart rate variability biofeedback randomized trial,” Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- “Disparities in drinking water quality: evidence from California,” Water Policy. Assistant Professor Maura Allaire
- “The Memory Wars Then and Now: The Contributions of Scott O. Lilienfield,” Association for Psychological Science. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Loftus
- “Drivers and dynamics of collaborative governance in environmental management,” Environmental Management. Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri
- “Growing Old and Being Old: Emotional Well-Being Across Adulthood,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Professor Susan Charles
- “Racism as a Source of Pain,” Journal of Internal Medicine. Associate Professor Kristine M. Molina
- “Understanding the context for police avoidance: the impact of sexual identity, police legitimacy and legal cynicism on willingness to report hate crime,” Current Issues in Criminal Justice. Graduate Student Jordan C. Grasso and Distinguished Professor Valerie Jenness
- “Yes, no, maybe so: Caregiver autonomy support, conversation context, and children’s memory performance.” Developmental Psychology. Alumni Emily Slonecker, Associate Professor J. Zoe Klemfuss
- “Social Anhedonia and Intergroup Processes: A Multi-Study Investigation of Known and Novel Group Memberships,” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Graduate Student Madeline E. Snyder, Associate Professor Elizabeth A. Martin
- “Site-Specific knockdown of microglia in the locus coeruleus regulates hypervigilant responses to social stress in female rats,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “An Examination of Prison-Based Programming and Recommitment to Prison,” Justice Evaluation Journal. Professor Nancy Rodriguez
- “Environment and security in the 21st century,” Environment and Security. Professor Richard A. Matthew
- “Love-improper, in Deed: Review of Sentient Flesh,” Comparative Literature Studies. Associate Professor Sora Han
- “Can Partial Growth Coalitions Build Pathways Out of the Middle-Income Trap? The Case of Querétaro, México.” Studies in Comparative International Development. Associate Professor Seth Pipkin
- “How do eye cues affect behaviors? Two meta-analyses,” Current Psychology. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “The mother–daughter Shared Agency in Weight Management Scale (SAWMS): development, validation, and implications for body dissatisfaction,” Journal of Eating Disorders. Ph.D. Student Jianmin Shao, Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen, Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Savoring interventions for mothers of young children: Mechanisms linking relational savoring and personal savoring to reflective functioning,” Infant Mental Health Journal. Professor Jessica Borelli, PostDoc Kelly F. M. Kazmierski, Doctoral Student Gerin E. Gaskin
- “30 Legal Decision-Making among Youth Defendants, Victims, and Witnesses: Emerging Issues, Research, and Theory,” The Oxford Handbook of Psychology and Law. Alumna Shreya Mukhopadhyay, Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “The moderating role of attachment in the association between physiological synchrony in married couples and supportive behavior in the transition to parenthood,” Psychophysiology. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “The Environmental Justice Agenda for E-Waste Management,” Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development. Professor Oladele Ogunseitan
- “Effectiveness and implementation of an electronic health record-integrated digital health intervention for managing depressive symptoms in ambulatory oncology: The My Well-Being Guide study rationale and protocol,” Contemporary Clinical Trials. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- "Changes in Medial Prefrontal Cortex Mediate Effects of Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback on Positive Emotional Memory Biases," Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback. Distinguished Professor Julian Thayer
- "Business churning and neighborhood instability: Is there a link?" International Regional Science Review. Professor John R. Hipp and Associate Professor Jae Hong Kim
- “Large and inequitable flood risks in Los Angeles, California,” Nature Sustainability. Professor Richard Matthew and Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri
- “Framing the Problem of Flood Risk and Flood Management in Metropolitan Los Angeles,” Weather, Climate, and Society. Assistant Professor Nicola Ulibarri, Graduate Student Claudia Valencia-Uribe, Professor Richard Matthew and Assistant Professor Maura Allaire
- “Effects of forward and backward span trainings on working memory: Evidence from a randomized controlled trial,” Psychophysiology. Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Adolescent Peer Victimization and Deliberate Self-Harm: A Three-Wave Moderated Mediation Model,” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Effects of working memory span training on top-down attentional asymmetry at both neural and behavioral levels,” Cerebral Cortex. Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Editorial Statement About JCCAP’s 2023 Special Issue on Informant Discrepancies in Youth Mental Health Assessments: Observations, Guidelines, and Future Directions Grounded in 60 Years of Research,” Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. Professor Jessica L. Borelli
- “Contentious immigration politics in a multijurisdictional field: A case study of Orange County, California,” Political Geography. Professor Walter Nicholls
- “Functional data analysis approach for mapping change in time series: A case study using bicycling ridership patterns,” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Assistant Professor Avipsa Roy
- “A Faustian bargain? Rethinking the role of debt in law students’ career choices,” Journal of Empirical Legal Studies. Professor Carroll Seron
- “Patterns in the use of best practices for eyewitness identifications in the field,” Psychology, Crime & Law. Distinguished Professor Elizabeth Loftus
- “Sleeping timing, chronotype, and posttraumatic stress disorder: An individual participant data meta-analysis,” Psychiatry Research. Associate Professor Alyson Zalta, Assistant Professor Amy Dent and Graduate Students Isaias Contreras and Precious Araujo
- “Differential associations of rumination and cognitive flexibility with guilt and shame following potentially morally injurious events,” Journal of Affective Disorders. Graduate Students David P. Cenkner and Hajra Usman and Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Psychological distress with relationship satisfaction is moderated by anticipatory relational savoring among non-deployed military partners,” Personal Relationships. Graduate Students Nicole Froidevaux, Hugo Hernandez and Vida Pourmand and Professor Jessica Borelli
- “Predictors of Adolescent Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic in a Community Sample of Hispanic and Latinx Youth: Expressive Suppression and Social Support,” Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Assistant Professor Kate R. Kuhlman and Graduate Students Elizabeth Antici, Ece Tan, Mai-Lan Tran and Emma L. Rodgers-Romero
- “Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and sympathetic nervous system responses to social evaluative stress in chronic cannabis users and non-users,” Addictive Behaviors. Ph.D. Student Shauna G. Simon, Professor Larry D. Jamner, Associate Professor Amy L. Dent, Chancellor’s Professor Douglas A. Granger, Assistant Professor Jenna L. Riis
- “The HOME-21: A revised measure of the home environment for the 21st century tested in two independent samples.” Psychological Assessment. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Childhood trauma, perceived stress and anhedonia in individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis: multigroup mediation analysis,” The British Journal of Psychiatry. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Examining the Experience of Women in Justice-Involved Families During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Impact of Familial Incarceration,” Journal of Family Issues. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “The role of early life adversity and inflammation in stress-induced change in reward and risk processes among adolescents,” Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
- “Understanding Challenges to Health Equity in Climate Action and Land Use Planning,” American Journal of Public Health. Assistant Professor Michael Méndez
- “Judging Firearms Evidence,” Duke Law School Public Law & Legal Theory Series No. 2023-10. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Examining Investigator Strategies for Questioning Suspected Minor Victims of Sex Trafficking,” Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. Ph.D. Graduates Rachel E. Dianiska and Kaitlin M. H. Winks, Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “Adaptation of an evidence-based parenting intervention for integration into maternal-child home-visiting programs: Challenges and solutions,” Implementation Research and Practice. Professor Jessica Borelli, Graduate Student Nancy E. Suchman
- “Youth Mental Health Screening and Linkage to Care,” Psychiatric Services. Professor Jason Schiffman
- “Examining young adults daily perspectives on usage of anxiety apps: A user study,” PLOS Digital Health. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Measuring Local Policy to Advance Fair Housing and Climate Goals Through a Comprehensive Assessment of Land Use Entitlements,” Pepperdine Law Review. Associate Professor Nicholas J. Marantz
- “Fast Track intervention effects on family formation.” Journal of Family Psychology. Professor Candice L. Odgers
- “Current investigator practices and beliefs on interviewing trafficked minors.” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Alum Rachel E. Dianiska, Alum Kaitlin M. H. Winks, Professor Jodi A. Quas
- “Dianne L. Chambless (1948–2023).” American Psychologist. Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Culturally compelled coping and depressive symptoms in Black Americans: Examining the role of psychophysiological regulatory capacity.” Emotion. Distinguished Professor Julian F. Thayer
- “Where Will Accessory Dwelling Units Sprout Up When a State Lets Them Grow? Evidence From California,” Cityscape. Associate Professor Nicholas J. Marantz, Ph.D. Student Youjin B. Kim
- “Be here now: Perceptions of uncertainty enhance savoring.” Emotion. Alum Andrew Gregory, Associate Professor Paul K. Piff
- “The moralization of effort.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Alumni Jared B. Celniker, and Andrew Gregory, Ph.D. Student Hyunjin Koo, Associate Professor Paul K. Piff, Professor Peter H. Ditto, Alum Azim Shariff
- “Clinical science and practice in the age of large language models and generative artificial intelligence.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. Associate Professor Stephen Schueller
- “Judging firearms evidence and the Rule 702 Amendments,” Judicature. Professor Nicholas Scurich
- “Exploring how positive and negative social exchanges relate to posttraumatic stress disorder severity among previously deployed men service members/veterans.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “A Mixed Methods Study of Moral Distress Among Frontline Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Alum Kelly L. Zellner, Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Assessing the existence of trauma-related diagnostic overshadowing in adult populations.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Alum Katherine Wislocki, Associate Professor Alyson Zalta
- “Relational savoring intervention: Positive impacts for mothers and evidence of cultural compatibility for Latinas,” Emotion. Professor Jessica Borelli
- “The bidirectional effects of antisocial behavior, anxiety, and trauma exposure: Implications for our understanding of the development of callous—unemotional traits.” Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. Professor Elizabeth Cauffman
- “Longitudinal change in daily stress across 20 years of adulthood: Results from the national study of daily experiences.” Developmental Psychology. Alum Jennifer R. Piazza, Professor Susan Turk Charles
- “Parental warmth, stressful life events, and impulsivity: A gene–environment-wide interaction study.” Neuropsychology. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Class cohesion and teacher support moderate the relationship between parental behavioral control and subjective well-being among adolescents,” Children and Youth Services Review. Distinguished Professor Chuansheng Chen
- “Finding the perfect match: Fingerprint expertise facilitates statistical learning and visual comparison decision-making,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. Professor Simon A. Cole
- “Psychoneuroimmunology: An Introduction to Immune-to-Brain Communication and Its Implications for Clinical Psychology,” Annual Review of Clinical Psychology. Associate Professor Kate Ryan Kuhlman
Book Chapters
- “The Politics of Sexual Misconduct Allegations: A Memory Science Framework,” Ideological and Political Bias in Psychology. Elizabeth F. Loftus
- “Coronavirus spotlights the link between clean water and health,” The Conversation on Water. David L. Feldman
Mimi Ko Cruz
Director of Communications