If you are a graduate student looking for information about forms, deadlines and other information please visit the Graduate Affairs Office website. If you have a website and would like it linked to your name in the directory, send the link to se.computing@uci.edu and we will add it to your profile.
Student | Degree Program | Department |
Josefina Espino josefine@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society 2022-2023 |
Criminology, Law and Society |
Abril Espinoza abrile2@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2023-2024 |
Psychological Science |
Priscilla Espitia-Gomez pdgomez@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2021-2022 |
Psychological Science |
Amy Figueroa figuera6@uci.edu |
Master of Public Policy 2023-2024 |
Public Policy |
Grace Fishback gfishbac@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Psychological Science 2023-2024 |
Psychological Science |
Jessica Fitzpatrick jfitzpa1@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2021-2022 |
Psychological Science |
Cara Flanagan cflanag1@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2024-2025 |
Psychological Science |
Alexia Flores alexiasf@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2024-2025 |
Psychological Science |
Flor Bella Flores Jaimes fbflores@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy 2022-2023 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Parker Friederich pfrieder@uci.edu |
Master of Urban and Regional Planning 2024-2025 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Yifeng Fu yifengf1@uci.edu |
Master of Public Policy 2023-2024 |
Public Policy |
Alyssa Fuentes alyssalf@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2024-2025 |
Psychological Science |
Zyler Fuentes zylerf@uci.edu |
Master of Urban and Regional Planning 2024-2025 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Laura Fulton lmfulton@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Psychological Science 2023-2024 |
Psychological Science |
Katherine Funston kfunston@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2021-2022 |
Psychological Science |
Brooke Gafni bgafni@uci.edu |
Master of Public Policy 2024-2025 |
Public Policy |
Kelsey Rae Galaway kgalaway@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Social Ecology 2018-2019 |
Social Ecology |
Alexis Gallegos gallega5@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2022-2023 |
Psychological Science |
Joseph Gallegos jgalleg@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy 2020-2021 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Sally Galvez smgalve1@uci.edu |
Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology 2024-2025 |
Psychological Science |
Wenqiang Gao jackg7@uci.edu |
Master of Public Policy 2024-2025 |
Public Policy |
Ivan Garcia ivang12@uci.edu |
Master of Urban and Regional Planning 2024-2025 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Sridipta Ghatak sghatak@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy 2019-2020 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |
Maksim Giljen mgiljen@uci.edu |
Ph.D. in Psychological Science with a Concentration in Clinical Psychology 2022-2023 |
Psychological Science |
McKenzie Gill mckenzeg@uci.edu |
Master of Urban and Regional Planning 2024-2025 |
Urban Planning and Public Policy |