Faculty Directory

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Name Department Office Email/Phone
Maura Allaire Urban Planning and Public Policy 218F Social Ecology 1 mallaire@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Dominic J. Bednar Urban Planning and Public Policy 206D Social Ecology 1 dbednar@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Hillary L. Berk Criminology, Law and Society 2317 Social Ecology 2 hberk@uci.edu
(949) 824-4570
Scott A. Bollens Urban Planning and Public Policy 226B Social Ecology 1 bollens@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Jessica Borelli Psychological Science 4552 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway jessica.borelli@uci.edu
(949) 824-3002
Lee Cabatingan Criminology, Law and Society 2303 Social Ecology 2 lcabatin@uci.edu
Elizabeth Cauffman Psychological Science 4308 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway cauffman@uci.edu
Susan Turk Charles Psychological Science 4570 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway scharles@uci.edu
Chuansheng Chen Psychological Science 4568 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway cschen@uci.edu
Simon A. Cole Criminology, Law and Society 3385 Social Ecology 2 scole@uci.edu
(949) 824-1443
Susan Bibler Coutin Criminology, Law and Society 3301 Social Ecology 2 scoutin@uci.edu
(949) 824-1447; (949) 824-7816
Elliott P. Currie Criminology, Law and Society 2385 Social Ecology 2 ecurrie@uci.edu
(949) 824-1387
Teresa A. Dalton Criminology, Law and Society 3381 Social Ecology 2 tdalton@uci.edu
(949) 824-9206
Amy L. Dent Psychological Science 4542 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway amy.dent@uci.edu
Pia Dietze Psychological Science SBSG 4101 pdietze@uci.edu
(949) 824-2627
Peter H. Ditto Psychological Science 4536 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway phditto@uci.edu
(949) 824-1844
David L. Feldman Urban Planning and Public Policy 226F Social Ecology 1 feldmand@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Martha S. Feldman Urban Planning and Public Policy 232B Social Ecology 1 feldmanm@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Ajay Garde Urban Planning and Public Policy 212D Social Ecology 1 ajay.garde@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Jessica Garrison Urban Planning and Public Policy 232A Social Ecology I jdgarris@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Amanda Geller Criminology, Law and Society amanda.geller@uci.edu
Brandon Golob Criminology, Law and Society 3369 Social Ecology 2 bgolob@uci.edu
(949) 824-5220
Jon Gould Criminology, Law and Society 5300 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway jon.gould@uci.edu
(949) 824-5466
Şule Güney Psychological Science SBSG 4538 sguneysc@uci.edu
Sora Han Criminology, Law and Society 2319 Social Ecology 2 sora.han@uci.edu
(949) 824-0050
Jutta Heckhausen Psychological Science 4316 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway heckhaus@uci.edu
John R. Hipp Criminology, Law and Society 3392 Social Ecology 2 hippj@uci.edu
(949) 824-8247
Douglas Houston Urban Planning and Public Policy 212E Social Ecology 1 houston@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Nicole Iturriaga Criminology, Law and Society 3363 Social Ecology 2 n.iturriaga@uci.edu
(949) 824-9939
Valerie Jenness Criminology, Law and Society 3389 Social Ecology 2 jenness@uci.edu
Hun Kee Kim Urban Planning and Public Policy 218G Social Ecology 1 hunkim@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Jae Hong Kim Urban Planning and Public Policy 206E Social Ecology 1 jaehk6@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
J. Zoe Klemfuss Psychological Science 4548 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway jklemfus@uci.edu
Charis E. Kubrin Criminology, Law and Society 3309 Social Ecology 2 ckubrin@uci.edu
Kate Kuhlman Psychological Science 4546 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway krkuhl@uci.edu
Mukul Kumar Urban Planning and Public Policy 218D Social Ecology 1 mukulk@uci.edu
Elizabeth F. Loftus Criminology, Law and Society, Psychological Science 2393 Social Ecology 2 eloftus@uci.edu
(949) 824-3285
Angela Lukowski Psychological Science 4332 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway angela.lukowski@uci.edu
Mona Lynch Criminology, Law and Society 2389 Social Ecology 2 lynchm@uci.edu
(949) 824-0047
Nicholas J. Marantz Urban Planning and Public Policy 206C Social Ecology 1 nmarantz@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Elizabeth A. Martin Psychological Science 4318 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway emartin8@uci.edu
Richard Matthew Urban Planning and Public Policy 212C Social Ecology 1 rmatthew@uci.edu
(949) 824-9670
Richard McCleary Criminology, Law and Society 3315 Social Ecology 2 mccleary@uci.edu
(949) 824-7280
Michael Méndez Urban Planning and Public Policy 226D Social Ecology 1 mamende6@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Ojmarrh Mitchell Criminology, Law and Society 3311 Social Ecology II ofmitche@uci.edu
Kristine Molina Psychological Science 4345 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway kmmolin1@uci.edu
Ana Muñiz Criminology, Law and Society 2301 Social Ecology 2 anamuniz@uci.edu
(949) 824-4940
Walter Nicholls Urban Planning and Public Policy 300G Social Ecology 1 wnicholl@uci.edu
(949) 824-4384
Raymond W. Novaco Psychological Science 4343 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway rwnovaco@uci.edu
(949) 824-7206
Candice L. Odgers Psychological Science 4326 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway codgers@uci.edu
Oladele Ogunseitan 1365 Social Ecology 2 Oladele.Ogunseitan@uci.edu
(949) 824-6350; 824-0611
Emily Owens Criminology, Law and Society 2311 Social Ecology 2 egowens@uci.edu
(949) 824-7929
Virginia Parks Urban Planning and Public Policy 218G Social Ecology 1 vparks@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Paul K. Piff Psychological Science 4324 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway ppiff@uci.edu
Seth Pipkin Urban Planning and Public Policy 218E Social Ecology 1 spipkin@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Sarah Pressman Psychological Science 4322 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway pressman@uci.edu
Jodi Quas Psychological Science 4328 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway jquas@uci.edu
(949) 824-7693
Miguel Quintana-Navarrete Criminology, Law and Society 2309 Social Ecology 2 miguelrq@uci.edu
(949) 824-7577
Keramet Reiter Criminology, Law and Society 3373 Social Ecology 2 reiterk@uci.edu
(949) 824-9201
María G. Rendón Urban Planning and Public Policy 212B Social Ecology 1 mgrendon@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
L. Alejandra Reyes R.C. Urban Planning and Public Policy 232C Social Ecology 1 lreyesru@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Jenny Rinehart Psychological Science 4314 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway rineharj@uci.edu
Nancy Rodriguez Criminology, Law and Society 3305 Social Ecology 2 rodrign6@uci.edu
Mercy Romero Criminology, Law and Society 3379 Social Ecology II mercyr@uci.edu
Avipsa Roy Urban Planning and Public Policy 226E Social Ecology 1 avipsar@uci.edu
Jason Schiffman Psychological Science SBSG 3101 jason.schiffman@uci.edu
(949) 824-5574
Stephen Schueller Psychological Science 4341 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway s.schueller@uci.edu
Nicholas Scurich Criminology, Law and Society, Psychological Science 4312 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway nscurich@uci.edu
(949) 824-4046
Christopher Seeds Criminology, Law and Society 3375 Social Ecology 2 cseeds@uci.edu
(949) 824-4853
Roxane Cohen Silver Psychological Science 535 Aldrich Hall and 4336 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway rsilver@uci.edu
Oliver Sng Psychological Science 4304 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway olisng@uci.edu
Julian F. Thayer Psychological Science 4334 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway jfthayer@uci.edu
George E. Tita Criminology, Law and Society 2307 Social Ecology 2 gtita@uci.edu
(949) 824-4927
Nícola Ulibarrí Urban Planning and Public Policy 206B Social Ecology 1 ulibarri@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Carolina Valdivia Ordorica Criminology, Law and Society 3367 Social Ecology 2 c.valdivia@uci.edu
(949) 824-0677
John M. Whiteley 266 Social Ecology 1 whiteley@uci.edu
(949) 824-6281
DeWayne Williams Psychological Science 4544 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway dewaynpw@uci.edu
(949) 824-4366
Karna Wong Urban Planning and Public Policy 203 Social Ecology 1 karna.wong@uci.edu
(949) 824-0563
Ilona S. Yim Psychological Science 4562 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway ilona.yim@uci.edu
Alyson Zalta Psychological Science 4556 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway azalta@uci.edu
(949) 490-2247
Joanne F. Zinger Psychological Science 4306 Social and Behavioral Sciences Gateway joanne.zinger@uci.edu
(951) 662-3735 (cell)