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Two Social Ecology students selected as Newkirk fellows


Connor Harron and Gabriela Gonzalez, two Ph.D. students in the School of Social Ecology, have been awarded Newkirk Fellowships, which include up to $10,000 to support the student's research project.

Harron, who is in his fourth year in the Social Ecology core program, studies rural resistance to urbanization, along with regenerative development methods and innovative approaches to agriculture. In particular, he seeks to understand whether small-scale community initiatives can be replicated on a broader scale to guide agricultural and social development.

Gonzalez, who is in her fourth year in the Department of Criminology, Law and Society, studies how the U.S.-citizen children of undocumented immigrants interact with and think about the law. Specifically, she looks at how those children construct their identities, how their circumstances influence their attitudes toward the law and how they're affected if their parents are detained.

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