Police or prosecutor misconduct is at the root of half of all exoneration cases, a study by The National Registry of Exonerations finds.
Yahoo! News, Sep. 14: Wrongful convictions: US police withhold evidence in many cases
Courthouse News Service, Sep. 15: Report Sees Overwhelming Official Misconduct in Wrongful US Convictions
USA Today, Sep. 15: Police misconduct, such as falsifying evidence, is a leading cause of wrongful convictions, study finds
Reason, Sep. 15: Half of All False Convictions in the U.S. Involved Police or Prosecutor Misconduct, Finds New Report
UPI, Sep. 15: More than half of exonerations involve misconduct, analysis shows
The Washington Post, Sep. 16: More than half of all wrongful criminal convictions are caused by government misconduct, study finds
Westlaw Today, Sep. 17: The case for policing the police