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Meet the new faculty

new faculty

Jessica Debats Garrison
Assistant professor of teaching of urban planning and public policy
Education: Ph.D. in urban and regional planning from MIT, Master of Urban and Regional Planning from UCI, M.A. in United States history from UCLA and B.A. in history from UCI
Research interests: environmental justice, climate adaptation, geographic information systems, and spatial analysis

Amanda Geller
Assistant professor of criminology, law and society
Education: Ph.D., and M. Phil. in social policy analysis from Columbia University, M. Eng. B.S. in engineering from Cornell University
Research interests: criminal justice and social inequality, policing, incarceration and families, and survey research

Miguel Quintana-Navarrete
Assistant professor of criminology, law and society
Education: Ph.D. (expected in November, 2020) in sociology from Harvard, M.A. in criminology and criminal justice from King’s College London and B.A. in law from Universidad de Sonora Hermosillo, Mexico
Research interests: consequences of violence in underdeveloped countries in Latin America and Africa

DeWayne P. Williams
Assistant professor of psychological science
Education: Ph.D., M.A. and B.A. in psychology from Ohio State University; 2019-2020 Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UCI
Reserch interests: social psychological impacts of physiological functions in groups that are targets of social stressors such as discrimination
