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Drawings aim to get out the vote

sketches of 9 faculty members

From left, top row: Nancy Guerra, Richard Matthew and Elizabeth Loftus. Middle row: DeWayne Williams, Paul Piff and Jessica Borelli. Bottom row: George Tita, Naomi Sugie and Karna Wong. Drawings by Deborah Aschheim

Nine faculty members among hundreds featured in voting art project

As part of her project — “365 Days of Voters” — artist Deborah Aschheim has been drawing portraits of hundreds of voters and displaying them, along with the reasons they vote, on Instagram. Among her subjects are nine faculty members from the School of Social Ecology.

“I’m doing the project to try to tap into the power of people’s peer-to-peer social networks to get out the vote, and as a way of connecting with people about the election and civic engagement in this time of social distancing,” Aschheim says. “I started the project when I was creative strategist/artist in residence at LA County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.”

When the pandemic hit, funding cut short her project for the county but she continued, with support from the Glendale Library, Arts and Culture Commission’s Art Happens Anywhere program and an artist grant from the Pasadena Arts and Cultural Affairs Division. Her goal: raising awareness of the importance of voting.

Here are a few reasons people in the School of Social Ecology vote.

Dean Nancy Guerra: “I vote because I want to be part of the solution.”

Elizabeth Loftus, professor of criminology, law and society and psychological science: “I vote for people who will help make this a world that I want to live in.”

DeWayne Williams, assistant professor of psychological science: “My ancestors fought for the right to vote; I realize the importance!”

Paul Piff, associate professor of psychological science: “I vote to help pave the way toward a more compassionate society.”

Richard Matthew, associate dean of research and international programs: “Voting is the easiest way to show our commitment to something beyond ourselves.”

Naomi Sugie, associate professor of criminology, law and society: “I vote to make my voice heard and to give my children a more inclusive, more just, and more sustainable future.”

George Tita, professor of criminology, law and society and urban planning and public policy: “I am inspired by the voters around the world who have given their lives for a right that I was granted simply by coming of age. I vote because it is a right that I will never take for granted.”

Jessica Borelli, associate professor of psychological science: “I vote because it is the best way to advocate for my own family and for people who don’t have a voice in American politics.”

Karna Wong, assistant professor of teaching of urban planning and public policy: “Many marginalized groups were/are prohibited from voting. People sacrificed their lives for the right to vote. It’s a privilege.”

Mimi Ko Cruz, director of communications: “Voting is power."
