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Indigenous Peoples and the Environment: Compelling Urgency and the Imperative for Action

May 22, 2017

University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697

Welcome and Introduction to video
Daniel G. Aldrich, III, UC Office of the President

David Archambault, II, (view video) - Standing Rock Sioux, North Dakota
Chief Harold Frazier, Cheyenne River Sioux (view video)
Governor Stephen Lewis, Gila River Band (view video)
Principal Chief James Floyd, Muscogee-Creek Nation (view video)

California Leadership Panel
Michael Folsom - Introduction (view video)
Mati Waiya, Ceremonial Elder of the Santa Clara River Turtle Clan
Founder and Executive Director, Wishtoyo Chumash Foundation

Steve T. Newcomb (view video) - Shawnee, Lenape
Co-Producer, "The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmaksing the Domination Code"

Anthony Rivera, Jr. (view video)
Former Chair, Juañeno Band of Mission Indians/ Acjachemen Nation

Mel Vernon (view video)
Captain, San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians

Chris A. Lobo (view video)
Acjachemen Nation

Judge Deborah Sanchez (view video)
Chumash, Tohono & Akimel O'odham and Raramuri

Hawaii Leadership Panel (view video)

Samuel M. 'Ohukani'ōhi'a Gon, III (0:24)
The Nature Conservancy of Hawai'i

Kevin Chang (16:20) Kua'āina Ulu 'Auamo (KUA)
Hawaii Panel Closing (view video)

Closing - Eagle Prayer (view video)
Black Star Eyed Eagle Steven Garcia,