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Pesticides: Domestic and International Perspectives

Program Agenda and Videos

April 11, 2012

Welcome and Introduction

7:30 p.m. - Welcome by Bruce Blumberg, Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology, Biological Engineering, University of California, Irvine

"Scientific Lessons from Endocrine Disruption, and How Green Chemistry Might Avoid Its Hazards"
Pete Myers, Ph.D. Environmental Health Sciences, Inc. (View Video)


Program Agenda and Videos

April 12, 2012

Welcome and Introduction

9:00 a.m. Welcome by Valerie Jenness, Dean, Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine

Challenges and Controversies in the Science of Pesticides and the Environment

9:10 a.m. - "Current Challenges and Controversies in Defining Pesticide Science"
- Bruce Blumberg, Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology, Biological Engineering, University of California, Irvine (View Video)

9:35 a.m. "This Is Not Your Father's Pesticide: Two Decades of Advances Toward a Safer Technology"
- Allan S. Felsot, Professor, Washington State University-TriCities (View Video)

10:05 "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly -- Impacts of GE Crops in the U.S. "
- Charles Benbrook, Chief Scientist, The Organic Center (View Video)

10:35 a.m. Coffee Break

National and International Law and Governance Challenges of Pesticides and the Environment
Alejandro Camacho, Moderator, Professor of Law & Director, UCI Law Center for Land, Environment, & Natural Resources

10:55 a.m. - John P. Wargo, Professor, Environmental Risk Analysis and Policy, Yale University (View Video)

11:35 a.m. - Rachel Lattimore, Arent Fox, LLP, Washington D.C. (View Video)

12:15 p.m.-Lunch

Ice, Sea Level Rise

1:30 p.m. - Han Somsen, Professor and Vice Dean, Tilburg University Law School (View Video)

2:15 p.m. - Peter L. Lallas, Executive Secretary, World Bank Inspection Panel (View Video)

3: 00 p.m. Coffee Break

Open Policy Forum on Priority Law and Regulatory Initiatives for a More Sustainable Future

3:25 p.m. Joseph F.C. DiMento, Moderator, Professor of Law and Planning, University of California, Irvine, Director, Newkirk Center for Science and Society


Program Agenda and Videos

April 13, 2012

Welcome and Introduction

9:00 a.m. Welcome by Dele Ogunseitan, Professor & Chair, Program in Public Health, University of California, Irvine

Defining Scientific and Business Challenges, Compelling Case Studies & the Contributions of Civil Society

9:10 a.m. - "Business Challenges in Developing Effective & Environmentally Responsible Natural Products"
Pamela Marrone, Founder and CEO, Marrone Bio innovations (View Video)

9:45 a.m. - Case Study of Atrazine and Environmental Health
Tyrone Hayes, Professor, Dept. of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley (View Video)

10:30 a.m. - Coffee Break

10:45 a.m. - Results of a Case Study of Glyphosate/Roundup
Andres Carrasco, Professor, Molecular Embryology Laboratory, University of Buenos Aires (View Video)

11:25 a.m.- The Role of Pesticides in Declining Pollinator Health
Jeffery Pettis, Bee Research Laboratory, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD (View Video)

12:00 p.m. - Lunch

1:00 p.m. - Lessons from the Fields: Pesticides and Children's Health Asa Bradman, Center for Environmental Research & Children’s Health, University of California, Berkeley (View Video)


Contributions and Challenges of Civil Society
Introduction: Michael Robinson-Dorn, School of Law, University of California, Irvine

1:45 p.m. - Kathryn Gilje, Moderator, Co-Director (Program & Development), Pesticide Action Network

  • Virginia Ruiz, Director of Occupational and Environmental Health, Farmworker Justice (View Video)
  • Kyle Smith, Social Change by Common Law, Partner,Lynch Hopper Salzano & Smith, Kailua Hawaii (View Video)
  • Laurie Davies Adams, Executive Director, Pollinator Partnership (View Video)
  • Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, Senior Scientist, Pesticide Action Network, North America (View Video)

3:30 p.m. Coffee Break

Open Policy Forum on Priority Law and Regulatory Initiatives for a More Sustainable Future

3:45 p.m. - Joseph F.C. DiMento, Moderator, Professor of Law and Planning & Director, Newkirk Center for Science and Society, University of California, Irvine (View Video)