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Victims of Violence

March 2011

Where can victims of domestic violence go for help? Students in Professor Raymond Novaco's class "Violence and Society" had an opportunity to learn beyond their classroom walls and hear personal experiences of victims and the options that exist for victims in Orange County.

Guest speakers included Mari Reed from the Anaheim Family Justice Center and Layla Abdul from Human Options.

Professor Novaco and Professor Jenness are conducting research at Anaheim Family Justice Center, which offers a full spectrum of services to victims of domestic violence, including investigative, judicial, counseling, and other social services. The research concerns the abuse circumstances, needs, and psychological functioning of domestic violence victims and the effectiveness of the AFJC's integrated service model.

Professor Novaco has had a long-standing link with Human Options, which is the major non-profit domestic violence organization in Orange County. He has conducted studies on the psychological distress of the women and children who have been in its emergency and second stage shelters, during their shelter stays and in post-shelter community follow-up.