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Hey undergrads, tell us how UC it!

UC Undergraduate Experience Survey offers students a chance to share their input on life at UCI

Attention Undergrads: We need your help to make UCI better!

The campus sponsors the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) every other year. This spring, your insights about classes, campus programs, and advising, will let us know which changes are needed. You can complete the UCUES survey online; just log in with your 8-digit student id number to get started.

UCUES results are so important that the campus has made available more than $2,500 in incentive prizes for students completing the survey. The prizes include a 32gb iPad, a Kindle, an iPod Touch, and many $10 In’N’Out Burger coupons.

If you have questions about UCUES, please send them to Thanks for your input!