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WISE Wednesday presents Ruth Barankevich

Ph.D. student is Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology speaker
Wed, 04/24/2024 - 5:00pm - 6:00pm PDT

The Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology (WISE) at UCI aims to improve and expand upon mental/behavioral health and wellness programming services for Social Ecology students while complimenting ongoing campus efforts. Gaps in current existing resources available to students, including avenues that may be indirectly related to mental health and well-being, are addressed.

WISE PAC (Peer Advisory Council) presents WISE Wednesday speakers, the next being Ruth Barankevich, who serves as the graduate student advisor with the WISE PAC Administrative Team while pursuing her Ph.D. in social ecology. Her research interest is assessing and designing environments that will promote positive social outcomes. 

Barankevich, who received the 2021 Dan and Jeanne Stokols Social Ecology Graduate Fellowship Award, has a  bachelor’s degree in design from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a master's degree in human-environment relations from Cornell University.
