WISE Wednesday presents Jason Schiffman

Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology Winter '25
Wed, 01/15/2025 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

The Wellness Initiative in Social Ecology WISE Wednesday speaker for Week 2 is Jason Schiffman, professor of psychological science and the School of Social Ecology's director of clinical training.

He heads a research team that has published more than 200 scientific articles and acquired over $15 million in funding for their work on psychosis. He established and runs two community-serving public mental health care clinics focusing on preventing psychosis and is co-founder of the Orange County nonprofit “Thrive Together OC,” whose mission is improving outcomes for youth at clinically high risk for psychosis. Schiffman also trains and consults for clinics across the county on best practices for supporting people on the psychosis continuum.

WISE Wednesday is held Wednesdays on even weeks from 5-6 p.m. See the flier for upcoming speakers.
