A Career Perspective on Conflict and Peace

GPACS Colloquium Series presents Scott A. Bollens
Thu, 05/23/2024 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
SST 777

Professor of urban planning and public policy and the Warmington Chair in Peace and Conflict Studies at UCI Scott Bollens will reflect on an academic career that has used a grassroots, urban focus to investigate nationalistic conflict. He will discuss key personal turning points in the development of his research agenda and also will explore the problematic “clenched teeth compromise” nature of what we call “peace” in today’s world. This Global Peace and Conflict Studies Colloquium will provide insights into how to engage an academic career successfully and also will highlight the complicated nature of “peace” and “post-peace.” Bollens will derive findings from politically contested cities in Israel, Palestine, South Africa, Northern Ireland, Lebanon, Spain, former Yugoslavia, and Cyprus.

A light lunch will be provided to attendees. Questions? Contact Lina Lopez at lina.lopez@uci.edu.
