California 100 Releases Reports on Future of State's Health, Immigrant Integration, and Public Safety

Mon, 04/25/2022 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm

You've heard of the future of work. What about the future of health & wellness? The future of immigrant integration? The future of public safety?

Join California 100, a new statewide initiative being incubated at the University of California and Stanford University, in unveiling issue and future scenario reports focused on these policy areas involving the future of health, immigrant integration, and public safety in California. On April 25, 2022 at 5:30pm, California 100 research partners will discuss their findings and possible scenarios for the future in an online panel discussion.

Charis Kubrin, professor of criminology, law and society, will be a featured panelist, discussing her report on the future of public safety.

The goal of California 100 is to lift up and support transformative ideas, people and projects that accelerate progress with a focus on inspiring a vision and strategy for California’s next century that is innovative, sustainable, and equitable. In addition to sponsoring original work, the California 100 Platform will promote the best of what is happening in California. Through these various projects and activities, California 100 seeks to move California towards an aspirational vision—changing policies and practices, attitudes and mindsets, for a more vibrant future.

In total, California 100 will release 15 issue & future scenarios reports throughout the Spring and Summer of 2022.

California 100