February 2017
Charis Kubrin and John Hipp, Professors of Criminology, Law and Society are featured in MyNewsLA.com for their recently released crime report, and how the results of that report contradict assumptions made by Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas. Despite Rackauckas' claims that realignment has contributed to an increase in crime, Professor Kubrin highlights that there is no empirical evidence to his claims, and that it is premature to associate Prop. 47 and 57 to a rise in violent crime.
From MyNewsLA.com:
Kubrin said she was part of the research team that showed there was only a slight uptick in property crime due to realignment and that it was too early to draw conclusions about how the propositions will affect the crime rate.
“We’re right back where we started,” Kubrin said. “Now it’s Prop. 47 and 57 in terms of an increase in crime without having any evidence of the linkage of the two.”