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Master of Public Policy Inaugural Class Welcomed

March 2012

UC Irvine's new Master's program in Public Policy hosted a reception for its inaugural class on February 29. Michael Gottfredson, executive vice chancellor and provost, introduced keynote speaker Arif Alikhan (pictured, center, with program director George Tita, left, and Gottfredson). A Social Ecology graduate, Alikhan is deputy executive director for law enforcement and homeland security at Los Angeles World Airports, which includes LAX and the Ontario and Van Nuys airports. He discussed his experience working at the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security, talked about how policy analysis can address 21st century security challenges and offered practical advice to the 22-member class. The program - the first new Public Policy Master's program in Southern California in decades - draws on faculty and research from both the School of Social Ecology and the School of Social Sciences.