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Malancha Ghosh Memorial Fund Endowed

June 2012

Subir and Susnata established the Malancha Ghosh Memorial Fund to honor the memory of their daughter who passed away in 2009 from complications due to H1N1 at the young age of 27.

Malancha, who received her Master's in Urban and Regional Planning in 2009 had a true impact on all those who were privileged to know her. As Professor David Feldman said "Every one of us in the Department of Planning, Policy, and Design -- faculty, students, and staff -- was profoundly touched by Malancha, and enormously saddened by her passing. We are privileged to have known her, and proud to have worked with her in our MURP program."

The Ghoshs' generous gift to establish the Malancha Ghosh Memorial Fund will create a lasting legacy for their daughter, while benefiting the students and faculty of the Department of Planning Policy and Design.

To perpetuate Malancha's memory at UC Irvine, Subir and Susnata established the Malancha Ghosh Memorial Fund in 2009 and recently converted the fund to an endowed fund which will benefit countless generations of students. Furthermore, Subir and Susnata also named the fund as a beneficiary of their estate which will ensure that future awards made in Malancha's honor will be of most impact to the students of Department of Planning, Policy, and Design.

Their Legacy gift will ensure that Malancha's memory will endure in perpetuity. The Ghoshs are invited to the annual awards ceremony for the department and are able to meet the student recipients, who are honored to be part of this enduring story.