For majors in the School of Social Ecology only, UC Irvine Field Study presents a career panel with alumni and professionals in law enforcement and legal professions.
Attend to gain career insights, grow your network and enjoy pizza.
Moderating the panel is Brandon Golob, associate dean of the Campuswide Honors Collegium, associate professor in teaching criminology, law & society, the School of Social Ecology's reigning (and four-peat) "Professor of the Year" and one of Orange County's Most Influential People of 2024 as rated by the Orange County Register.
This event, which is co-sponsored by UC Irvine Alumni Anteater LEO and Anteaters in Law, will include attorneys from private firms and the public sector. Representatives come from the FBI, Anaheim Police, Hawthorne Police, U.S. Customs & Border Protection, UC Irvine Police, U.S. Secret Service, Newport Beach Police, U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division and U.S. Health & Human Services' Office of Inspector General.
Space is very limited, so please follow the link or scan the QR code on the flier to RSVP.