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Field Study Spotlight: EcoMotion

What is the mission of your organization?

EcoMotion provides cost-effective sustainability solutions for cities, corporations and campuses.  Our clients range from the cities of Santa Monica and Brea to the Coachella Valley Association of Governments to Fisher College in Massachusetts.

How long has your organization been a Field Study site?

We have had interns  since we opened our doors in Irvine in 2006.  Our intern count  is now at 38.

Why did your organization choose to become a Field Study site?

We knew that interns would add skills and energy to our very small office!  As the business has grown, we have continued to depend on interns to support our activities.

How have you integrated Social Ecology students into your organization?

Our interns work alongside us on every project.  They perform duties as varied as researching and reporting on legal developments to crafting marketing materials to tallying survey results.  And they participate at our current-event lunches.  Every day is different.

What is the most valuable asset Social Ecology students bring to your organization?

Interns ask questions, add special skills (often technological), and inspire us with their energy and optimism.

Is your organization interested in becoming a Field Study site location?


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