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Johnson Chair Scholars Celebrated

On October 7, 2009, Janice Johnson hosted the “Public Problems, Public Potential” luncheon at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. The luncheon celebrated the scholarly contributions of five women PhD students affiliated with the Roger and Janice Johnson Endowed Chair in Civic Governance and Public Management. Guests had the opportunity to learn about how research supplies solutions for management problems.

Presentations were given by: 
  • Julka Almquist - "Maintaining enthusiasm for the Great Park"
  • Natalie Baker - " Reconstruction Normalcy after Huricane Katrina"
  • Heather Goldsworthy - "Mircorfinance and reframing poverty"
  • Katleen Pine - "Adoping safe and effective birthing practices"
  • Kathryn Quick - "Creating resources to manage city budgets"

View program with additional student information.


Lessons for Public Managers from Johnson Chair Research:
  • Conceptualize the work you manage as a flow of interdependent actions.
  • Discover unrealized and underutilzed resouces by encouraging, stimulating, or unblocking the flow of interdependent actions in the work you manage.
  • Create inclusion and involvement by re-imagining ways to invite those who are left out of the current flow of interdependent actions to join in the work you manage.
  • Introduce change that promotes interdependent actions rather than creating barriers to the flow of activity throughout the work you manage.
  • During times of disruption or conflict, help people re-establish or regenerate a flow of interdependent actions that will sustain engagement and recreate a sense of normalcy.

For more information, please contact Martha Feldman, Roger and Janice Johnson Chair in Civic Governance and Public Management, at